Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I got introduced to the Pentecostal faith through one of my ex boyfriends who is now one of my best friends.

It was the end of the school year, me and my boyfriend ,at the time, Dylan just got together. Two weeks after the end of the school year, I went to his place and his parents was talking to me about their faith and talking to me like I was one of their friends.

They invited me to go to church that Thursday afterwards (we had church on Thursdays at the time) and of course, I agreed. That Thursday, I of course didn't have any skirts because my parents wouldn't buy me one. So that church service was awkward for me, no one talked to me except my boyfriend's family.

After that service, his mother gave me a white skirt and I loved it. After awhile more ladies gave me skirts and other things. I felt like I was apart of the church family.

Me and Dylan hung out quite a lot in the matter of that, it was so much fun. I loved him and I loved his wonderful family. They was always nice to me, and they acted like I was they're other daughter.

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