Chapter 2: 2015 VBS & Getting the Holy Ghost

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In June we had our VBS, I was helping with the 3-5 year olds because everyone at church knew I was good with children. There was two little boys I'll never forget, they where the sweetest. I was trying to get them to clap and dance along to the music so I would grab their hands and help them clap and it was great. I had the best time.

My favorite bible story from that VBS was David and Goliath; if you don't know that story. Goliath was going around mocking God and no one would stand up to him because they were scared of him, but David wasn't. And through the power of Christ David defeated Goliath. That story means to me, that no matter how small you are you can defeat the biggest giants.

But the other thing I remember most about the 2015 VBS is I got the Holy Ghost that year. I had many people praying over me on the last day of the VBS and I was praying my heart out and giving it all to Jesus. Then I started speaking in tongues, I felt free. I felt so relieved to be filled with the Holy Ghost, I was washed if sin and I finally felt free.

After I got finished praying, the first person I hugged was my boyfriend's mom, we was both crying. Then I hugged my boyfriend and I felt so loved. I felt so free. I felt infinite.

I will NEVER forget my first encounter with the Holy Ghost and letting Jesus Christ in my heart.

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