Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Mary's Point of View

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I broke away from the hug that I was sharing between my two favorite boys in the world.

As I turn around, I wonder who'd be interrupting seeing as everyone except my group of friends had left.

Of course, it had to turn out to be him, didn't it?

Louis had turned along with me to see who it was and he bit back a growl as he wrapped his arm protectively around my waist.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely seeping all the venom I could into my voice.

He ignored me and clapped his arm onto Lou's shoulder, keeping it there.

"Louis, my boy! It's wonderful to see you. I don't appreciate the circumstances, but when-"

"Cut the crap," Louis threatened menacingly as he shrugged the hand off. "What are you doing here? You ruined our lives before and came back years later, ruined Em's relationship with mum ad then left when mum probably needed you most. So what," he repeated. "-Are you doing here?"

"You were always a rude young man," my father looked angry.

I hated the fact that I had to call him that, that I had to share anything with that bastard, especially a significant amount of DNA.

He then turned to me with an amused look on his face.

"What you haven't told him how often you'd seen me?"

"What?" Lou turned his head towards me but I ignored him.

"No," I replied. "Because you're a dickhead and I didn't want what happened the last time to happen again."

Yes. I just called my father a dickhead.

"Look, Em-"

"I thought I told you not to call me that!" I growled.

"Mary then," he emphasized. "I want to talk."


He looked pointedly at Louis.

"Whatever you wanna say to me you can say in front of him."


"You know what? NO!" I started to yell. I wanted my mother to rest peacefully and he couldn't even let that happen. "You don't get to talk! I'm turning nineteen next month! You've had since I was twelve to talk! Seven years! You've had SEVEN BLOODY YEARS to do all the TALKING you want!"

He took a step towards me but I didn't move as to not seem scared.

As he lifted his hand to hit me, I was suddenly pushed out of the way. I knew what was gonna happen, it had happened a million times before.

"LOU NO!" I screamed as he threw a punch at his father's face.

He didn't hesitate to hit back and soon enough Harry and I were trying to pry them apart. Haz was pulling at Lou's midsection while I tried to get in the middle of the brawl.

When Harry finally succeeded, I stood in front of my father once again and glared at him.

He raised his hand like before and before he touched me, I spat in his face. I guess it's my lucky day and things are starting to look up because it landed straight in his eye.

He took the hand away and wiped the back of it across his eye then began to glare back at me, more menacingly than I was doing at him.

I raised my hand and slapped him, the sound echoing so loudly that it made me dizzy.

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