Chapter 27

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I'm sorry! I haven't updated in ages Becaise things have been hectic, I've had writers block and I've been lazy! But here you go, I'm sorry it's so late! Xx

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Chapter 27

Harry's Point of View

Oh man.

Hanging out with my friends was great! I haven't seen them in so long because of how busy I've been with the band but it's been amazing to catch up with them.

While we were hanging out, I got a text from management.

The band will be leaving for Sweden in two days to record and write more for the new album.

Liam has all the information on his email and he'll explain.

"Damn it!" I grumbled.

"What's up?" one of my mates, Sam, asked.

"I have to drive back to London tonight. I leave for Sweden in two days!"

"Oh that sucks!"

"That's bullocks!" Jason said.

"Yeah... It's just I brought Em here because she needed to get away from everything and now we're going back so early..."

"Dude she'll be okay with it."

"Man you are whipped!" Josh laughed.

"I guess I am," I laughed along with him.

"But you've gotta do something about it. She's hot. She'll be taken faster than you can say pussy cat."

"She's already taken," I sighed.

"Soccer has a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score," Jason winked.

"I see you're still the same flirt you used to be," I laughed again.

"I see you're not," he answered.

"I gotta go," I told them regretfully.

"We know man. Have fun and don't forget about us, yeah?"

"And next time you're here, you'll have your girlfriend and we'll get to meet her."

"I promise," I laughed.

"I'm serious," Josh told me.

"So am I," I vowed.

Tara's Point of View

I can't believe it!

I mean yeah, I forgive Zayn.

Of course I do.

I'm in love with him.

Quite honestly, it's scary how much I love him. I got scared because I forgave him so easily.

I just hope I'm not going to regret it.

What is it that I can't believe, I think you're asking.

I'll tell you what.

Zayn's leaving for Sweden in TWO DAYS.

That's not the worst part.

Bianca's going to be there.

Yeah, I'm so conflicted!

I want to be able to trust him, so badly but I'm just afraid of waking up and seeing what I saw last time.

I don't want that pain, it hurts way too much seeing him with another girl.

It's crazy, we've all been having trouble with our guys.

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