four: lunch notes

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When I wake up the next day, I check my phone to see that there was no response to my passive-aggressive text to Pete. I then begin to dread the fact that I'll have to spend my time after school with him.

You can do it, Patrick. Just a couple hours.

The beginning of the school day goes by ever so slowly; by the time lunch comes around, the 4 hours since school started has felt like an eternity.

I stop at my locker to grab my lunch before strolling to the lunch room.

I scan the cafeteria to find where Andy and Joe are sitting. The first thing I see is Brendon, Ryan, Pete, and several other people sitting at a table. They're all joking around and laughing.

Then I see Joe and Andy, who are sitting at a table in the corner quietly.

Part of me longs for it to be freshman year, when I would sit next to Pete and all the other guys during lunch.

But things change, people become assholes.

I sigh and join my friends at the corner table.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" I ask as I open my lunchbox to find a note from my mom inside; it's a daily thing she does. I cast the note aside without reading it. I feel like ever since she started drinking, she makes these lunches and notes for me as an apology for her behavior the night before.

She'll get my apology when she stops drinking.

"Nothing much," Joe says. "Spanish is killing me. I'm totally gonna fail the final. But fuck high school, an I right?"

Me and Andy chuckle, and I respond with a quick "Fight the power, Joe" before tearing into a tuna sandwich.

"So what are you guys doing after school today? I was thinking we could all hang out," Andy suggests.

"Yeah, that would be cool. Patrick, you down?" Joe says.

I groan inwardly.

The one time my friends decide to make plans...

"Sorry, can't. I have plans."

"Since when do you have 'plans'?" Joe asks, and Andy hits his arm. "What?" Joe protests, "its true."

I respond, "It's okay. And I have to rehearse a scene in drama with Pete after school."

"Wentz?" Joe asks.

"The one and only," I say while rolling my eyes.

"You should give him a chance," Andy says to me, "People change. There's no way he's the same person as he was freshman year."

"Seasons change," I argue. "People don't. Especially people like Pete."

"Maybe you should just let it go. It was one mistake, and I'm sure he regrets it," Joe tells me.

I scoff. "I'm not letting him off that easy. I'm still angry, and he needs to know it."

"Fair enough," Andy says.

"Hey, do you guys want to go terrorize some freshie nerds?" Joe proposes, "I want them to have an image of me drilled into their minds at all times. They must never be at ease during school, they must always be afraid of Joe Trohman."

"Yeah, you're real scary with your noodle arms and lack of chest hair," Andy retorts.

Joe throws himself at Andy, attempting to throw punches at the other boy while mumbling something like, "you know I feel insecure about my chest hair!!"

"You guys go ahead," I encourage, "I'll stay here."

"You sure?" Andy asks, a look of concern coming across his face as he tries to fight off Joe.

"Yep, all good here."

I feel a wave of relief flood over me when my two friends walk away. As much as I love them, I need some space to think.

Maybe Andy's right. Should I give Pete a chance? Am I being too harsh? Maybe he really did change, and our roles are flipped, where now he's the victim and I'm the assho-

"Hey, Patrick," a familiar voice tugs me away from my inner thoughts.

I stay facing toward, until Pete comes into view and slides on to the bench across from me. I decide to take a less hostile approach and mumble a "hey" while taking a bite off my sandwich.

"Look who decided not to be a dick for once," Pete observes.

"Can I help you?" I ask with a mouthful of tuna.

"Yeah, I was thinking and I realized we never determined where we'd go to rehearse."

"We can just go to my house," I offer, knowing that Pete's house is much farther than my 10 minute walk.

"Awesome." Pete plucks my mom's note from inside my lunchbox before I can protest. He unfolds it and studies it silently before saying "Your mom still writes you notes?"

I answer, "Yeah. I don't even bother reading them anymore."

"You should," he says while re-folding it, She's really sweet. You should appreciate her more. I'll see you after school, let's meet in the front."

I nod silently, and the boy stands up and leaves without another word. I sit there, looking at the folded note for a minute before I pick it up and delicately unfold it.

My beautiful son,
May your day be as good as this lunch I made for you!
Love, mom <3

I stand up with my lunchbox and throw away my trash, but keep my mother's note in my pocket. Maybe Pete was right. As many mistakes as she makes, she can be sweet at times.


This story is SO BORING right now but I'm working to set up characters, hang in there with me !
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