(Chapter One )

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(Boston Lynn ) 2am
You son of a bitch where are you ,watch when you get home you will see what will happen to you ,fat mother fucker I can't stand your fucking nasty ass bitch.(hangs up)
That's my mom for those of  you that  just got to this part as you could see my mom and my dad didn't have a great relationship ever since I was born or before that my mom and my father  were dealing with a lot of things in their marriage half of arguments were based on  my father like I mentioned happening to be the life of the party.
My mother on the other hand wasn't accustomed to all that . And that's when all the violence and disrespect started to  happened.
Don't get  me wrong my dad treated my mom very well he gave her everything she wanted and needed he never put his hands on her but they argued over the craziest things and more so the fact that he always needed  to be out with his friends and she wasn't willing to deal with the crap any longer so here's a  recap on what happened that night and  because of this night my life changed forever.
'Angelica go over there your mommy is going to take a shower before your piece of a shit father that you have gets home , go watch TV or play  but leave me the fuck alone for now .
So I walk away to the living room where i started to play  with my  bicycle inside the house . 30 mins later my father  arrives home , all  I see is my dad putting his finger in his lips for me not to say a word , that he just arrived , so me being a 4 year old child I go running to the bathroom so bubbly and happy that my dad's home not having a clue what's really going on , next thing I know I sit on  the toilet  seat and look at my mother while she's brushing her teeth and smile and give her a smirk like I'm up to something. All of a sudden my father comes in and grabs her and covers her mouth  acting like he's a intruder. At that moment my mom jumps up goes crazy , And out of no where just hits me in the head because she was mad That I didn't mention that Daddy got home.
At that moment while I was crying my Dad got very upset of what just happened and he started arguing with my mom and now here they are going crazy on one another , So i ran to the living room and sat in the couch to witness the argument all I see is my father  screaming at my mother  why the fuck would you hit her she is only 4 ,are you stupid , here he comes and checks my head while my mother screaming I didn't hit her that hard nobody asked you to come in here like a intruder and scare me . your out almost every Fucking ! Night  with your friends selling drugs and I'm here at home taking care of your daughter.! Your worthless shit ! My dad gets up and tells her you know what I'm leaving you I ain't helping you no more I'm done with you and your  crazy ass , your a bitch and I'm Done ! I could tell at this point my mom looked like the devil took over her body , (smack) that's all I herd in my dad's face from there my dad pushes her ,and runs  out slamming the door , All I see at that moment is  my mother walking back and forth talking to her self ,mind you guys I'm sitting in the couch with a bump on my head and boogers coming down from my nose with a nasty tank top on . So when I look at my mother  I see her messing up her hair hitting her self and riping her clothes off like she just went crazy mode on her self and to hear her saying ruthless comments like this son of a bitch going to pay for what he did .
(1hr) Later that night  my dad arrives back home  sits down all of a sudden I here a knock on the door when my dad opens the door it was the cops ,I came to see what was happening and all I witnessed was  my dad getting arrested , They had him  on the floor with cuffs on his hands and cuffs on his feet and then they just took him.

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