Second Dare!

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Author:Heyyyy guuuys gues whos baack!~

Asriel:Oh!hey Author!

Author:Okay!we have another dare!its from YEPiAMaGHOST and its for Undyne!oh and mettaton can you go to the kitchen and stay there for a while you can come out if i say so.

Mettaton:Of course darling~(*goes to the kitchen)

Author:Okay the dare is Undyne you to prank Mettaton.....with water?(*snorts)

Everyone exept Author and Mettaton:WHAT!?

Undyne:Wont she die?

Alphys:t-technical-ly s-she w-will f-faint.

Author:Welp....Undyne you need to do it.

Undyne:Fine(*put a bucket of water on top of the kitchen door)okay done!

Author:this is sooo gonna be worth it!Okay you can come out now!

Mettaton:Okay darling~(*opens the door and water spills all over her and faints)

Papyrus:(*catches Mettaton)SHE NEEDS TO REST(*carries her to the bedroom and comes back)

Author:Okay its done!Thanks for the dare YEPiAMaGHOST!See you next time!

Hey guys sorry for not updating my Mom said i could use the internet every Saturday and Sunday thats all folks!

Have a Franstasticday!~

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