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H.eya Frans here and AUMakerAndDestroyer is joining the book!!i know im twisting it up but for now lets continue
Frans:Hey guys!i want you all to meet my friend AUMakerAndDestroyer or you can call her Pag-(*gets slapped by Ariela)OW!

Ariela:The names Ariela for you and hey guys!


Frans:Ow for i said this is my friend Ariela,Ariela they are my other friends Frisk,Sans,Toriel,Asgore,Undyne,Alphys,Asriel,
Chara,Papyrus and Mettaton!

Ariela:Hey Frans is there a dare?

Frans:Of course!Now the dare is from you and you dared all of us and i mean All of us including you sooo the dare is to meet Ink,Error,PJ..and................ (*Blushes) HUH?!? can you um read the dare hehehe....

Ariela:OK now da dare is to meet Dance,Chess and.....
(*Blushes)P-PJ a-and P-Pallette?!

Everyone:Uhhhh....why are you two blushing?

Frans:N-nothing! now lets continue (*calls Ink)"Hey Ink can you come here?and bring PJ and Error too" Okay but why?" "SOMEONE dared to let you guys join the asked or dare" "Oh okay we'll be there" (*call ended)there now Ariela its your turn.

Ariela:Fine(*calls Dance)"Hey Dance can you and Chess come here and if you ask its a dare""Oh..ok"

Time skip

*Ding *dong

Asriel:I'll get it!(*opens the door)

Ink:Hey were here!

Error:Heya(im not gonna do the glitchy voice sorry)

PJ:H-hey Ariela hehe..(*blush)

Ariela:(*blush)O-oh hey P-PJ...

Frans:(*nudges Ariela)

Dance and Chess:Eyyyy....wait...FRANS?!(*blush)

Frans:(*laughs neaviosly)....h-hey Dance and Chess...(*blush)

Ink:Now that everyth-(*notices PJ,Ariela,Frans,Dance and Chess' attitude)hmmmm....why are you five blushing?.... ..Oh i get it hehehe..


Ink:Nope it isnt i have a dare!

Frans and Ariela:W-whats the d-dare?

Ink:I dare Ariela to kiss PJ on the cheek and Frans to kiss Dance's and Chess' cheek hehehehe...

Ariela:(*blushes and kiss PJ's cheek and blushes darker)Frans its your turn.

PJ:(*blushes darkly)

Frans:(*blushes like a tomato)Fine...(*kisses Chess' and Dance's cheek)there...

Dance and Chess:(*blushing like a blueberry)U-uh..

Ink:are you three alright?

Dance,Chess and PJ:(*touches their cheek)Y-yeah...


Im still blushing i cant belive i did this to my self!kd7gdndigwskdyebskgedkydvsnsud

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