Chapter 10

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((Y/n)'s P.O.V)

I felt myself wake up naturally by having control over my body that I didn't have when I was sleeping and this time I didn't have a nightmare to wake me up. I sigh and stretch my body across my bed then relaxed but stayed in the same position for a little while not opening my eyes. 

I decided to finally open my eyes and when I did the sun shined right into them making me wince and turn onto my side. After I was faced away from the sun, I moved so my legs were off the side of my bed then moved my body in a sitting position and stepped onto the cold hard floor standing up. 

I walked to my bathroom and looked at my reflection. A girl stares back at me with tired half-lidded eyes, a little paler skin, face drooping slightly from just waking up, eye crust in the corners of her eyes, and drool dried around her mouth. I look at myself for the second time and put my hair up into a ponytail ready to wash my face. 

After I washed my face, I went to the toilet and did my business, washed my hands, turned the shower on and turned the knob so the water would be hot, and got into it. I relaxed into the shower at first not bothering to mind how hot the shower was and then shampooed and conditioned my hair, shave, and rubbed body wash on myself, rinsing it off after. 

I turned the shower off and pulled the curtain back revealing a clouded room from the steam of the shower. Grabbing the towel from off the holder next to the shower, I wrapped it around my body and walked into my room. 

Once I was in my room I locked my door, went to my bra and panties drawer and grabbed out a matching set in (f/c), then put them on, taking the towel off first. Walking to my closet I picked out a pair of jean shorts, a white tank top, a white lace cover-up robe that goes down to my knees, and white converses and socks for going out later. 

I put on simple makeup at that has a natural look and plugged my curling iron in so I could make waves in my hair. After everything was done I admired myself in the bathroom mirror and then walked into the kitchen to make myself breakfast. 

I looked through the fridge and took the eggs, bacon, milk, and butter put them on the counter next to the stove then closed the fridge door. Once I had those out, I opened a cabinet that was next to the stove and grabbed out the pancake mix along with a medium-sized mixing bowl, a measuring cup, and whisk. 

Once everything was together I started to get to work mixing and measuring the dry ingredients then combining them the wet ones. While I was mixing the ingredients, my brain was giving me messages that someone or something was watching me, but here's the thing the feeling of being watched was all the time. 

It all started when I met (b/f/n) in the woods and the constant staring was starting to creep me out, I mean this person, or maybe even people, could be someone I know but that's highly impossible. I mean no one I know would ever stalk you because most of my friends went on vacation or are staying home doing absolutely nothing. So, in conclusion, it would have to be someone you wouldn't know, well that's what I'm thinking for now. 

I stopped thinking about the stalking topic and continue on to make breakfast. The breakfast was done, then set on the plates set at the table and all I have to do now is the wake up my brother so he doesn't sleep through eating.  Making my way up the stairs and to his room, I bang on the door and yell "(B/N) TIME FOR BREAKFAST!". 

A sudden thud and groan of pain were heard from inside the room meaning he most likely fell off the bed from being startled by my sudden yelling.  Heavy footsteps came to the door and opened to reveal my brother, hair a mess, clothes wrinkled, and a hand on the back of his from landing on the floor. He looked at me and said, "Could you have at least knocked a little less loudly?". "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure that you would be to eat breakfast," I said turning away to walk back the table and eat. My brother followed behind me making me suspect that he was eager to eat along with me. 

Getting settled at the table, I was about to dish myself up until my brother greedily grabbed most of the food but I don't mind that much, I just wish he has more manners. I grabbed my food and started to eat with manners, silence filling the room while we ate. 

Once we're done eating I cleaned the table off and cleaned the dishes. I walked out of the kitchen, grabbed a book off the bookshelf, and walked outside to a hammock that I kept attacked the two trees. I climbed in, opened the book to the marked page, and started to read without noticing the eyes glued to me. 

(Slasher's P.O.V)

We were all silent except for the light sounds of stomachs growling for food but unfortunately, they didn't have a way to get any without being noticed. They also didn't want to scare you if they did come out of hiding and ask for food but also it would seem weird for them to just randomly come up to someone and ask them for food. 

They snapped their heads towards the back door of your home to see you come out in the most beautiful clothes but of course, everything about you is beautiful.  Their eyes stayed glued to your form as you walked to a hammock that was close to where they were hiding and held their breath watching you get in and open the book.  

They watched for quite awhile before they heard a phone ringing. At first, Billy thought it was him but soon realized that you had reached into your back pocket and pulled your phone out. (Y/n) answered the phone, put it on speaker and said hello to whoever was on the phone. 

"Hey (y/n)." said a girl that sounded familiar to them. "Oh, hey (b/f/n)" (Y/n) replied happily to her friend. "I have a serious question for you," she said in a deadly serious tone that sent a shiver down (y/n)'s back. "Okay, what is it?" "If you had to date or marry a serial killer, would you?" Her friend asked. (Y/n) was quite shocked and surprised to hear this but gave an answer anyways but before she answered she marked her new spot in the book. 

"Well yes, I would. But if I do, I would have to consider the consequences involved along with it. Those consequences could range from them losing their temper to possibly being caught with them, especially if I am dating them meaning I would be going to jail along with him. Honestly, I would be okay taking those risks if it does mean we'll be caught because no matter who I'm with I will love no matter what." You answered also adding, "I don't care for looks either because a relationship shouldn't be based on looks and also in the relationship they'll or we'll open up to each other. Taking care of someone, most importantly your significant other is something that can't be ignored because sometimes things in their life will come back to haunt them so you need to make sure you're there for them no matter the situation." (Y/n) finished with seriousness and tenderness in her voice. Her friend was silent for a while before she replied. 

"(Y/n) how did I ever get a friend like you?" (b/f/n) asked . (Y/n) laughed and said, "When we were in elementary school and I saw you crying under the slide and I was determined to find out why." "You are to caring for people even when they hurt you." "I know that but its who I am. I like to take care of people no matter what happens to me." You said with a kind smile the Slashers could only see. 

"Well (n/n) I have to go but thanks for answering my question." "It was no problem and bye (Best friends nickname)." And the call ended while you went back to reading. 

The slashers were honestly amazed and impressed with you but it didn't help with how hungry they were. After you were done with reading her book and went back inside your house, the slashers made a plan of how to get food and to approach you. 

What will happen to me? Slashers x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora