Chapter 2

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Gerard's P

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Gerard's P.O.V:

When the bell rang, I stayed there, with my head down, not talking to anybody. I waited until I was sure the room was clear. Once I was about to get up and leave, I noticed that the small, attractive boy hadn't moved either. Was he waiting for me? He probably forgot something. I waited longer to see if he would leave but he didn't. I sighed and got up and walked out of class. Down the hallway I looked behind me when I heard someone call my name. I saw the boy with green eyes staring at me. He looked quite happy but one could still tell he was shy and nervous, actually up close his hair was dark brown and his eyes were hazel, same color as mine.

"Do you know where room F107 is?" He asked, with a smile. He had a nice smile, it was perfect. His lip ring complimented his rose-pink lips perfectly. I couldn't believe that he was real.
"Oh um y-yeah it's in the building right next to this one, to the right, upstairs and, how do you know my name?"
"Mrs. Momsen told me to sit next to you. You were the only kid in the back so I assumed that was your name. It's nice. I like it." The boy complimented, still smiling.
"Thanks. It was my dads uncles name. I've always found it kind of stupid honestly. So what's your name, speaking of names?" I asked.
"Frank. Frank Iero. I moved back from San Francisco, where I lived with my dad for a little bit.
"Oh cool so you were born here in NJ?" I asked interested.
He nodded. "I live with my mom in Clearbrook Apartments, she is trying to afford a house for us."
"Wait did you say Clearbrook Apartments?"
"Yeah why?" He repeated
"That's the same Apartment complex I live in." I found it interesting that we lived in the same apartment complex, that meant that if I quit being a little bitch and actually ask him out, he can come over whenever.


"We exchanged phone numbers and got each other's apartment numbers and that was it, really." I explained to Ray. He was gay and I could explain to him if I had any guy crushes. I didn't consider myself gay, I had an interest in girls, I've had girlfriends before, but I wasn't sure if it really was love.

"Aww. So when are you going to ask him out?" Ray smiled and teased. My heart skipped a beat when I thought of dating Frank. I wasn't sure if I was in love with him or not. I think he's attractive, yes, but I don't know if he even likes me back, so what's the point in even asking him?

"Gerard?" Ray repeated. I turned and looked at him.
"You didn't answer my question." He stated.
"Oh. Yeah r-right um, well....I.." I sighed. "Look Ray, I don't even know if he likes me back. Hell, I don't even know if he's into guys. As much as I would love to have him, with his perfect lips, perfect smile, amazing, sparkling eyes, and that adorable little giggle he has." The butterflies came back again. Great.
Ray looked at me curiously, "You're in love with him aren't you?"
"What? No! I don't know, maybe? Possibly? Fuck I don't know what love is Ray so how would I know how I'm feeling?" I denied it. It was true though, I had no idea what being in love felt like. I had read about it and stuff and heard stories but I've never really felt it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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