Don't Wanna (One) Without You

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seonho and guanlin-

    Guanlin knew the show would eventually come to an end (and he knew the four months he spent with the other trainees was actually longer than it felt), but he didn't expect it to end this way. He'd been so happy and cheerful, even after he'd dropped eighteen ranks, because he thought that maybe just maybe it would turn out differently. He was always reassured that it would be the two of them all the way at the end, that they'd debut together. He knew it was a long shot, making it in the top eleven and beating out almost 90 other trainees for the spot, but he still believed in it occuring because he had faith. His hopes soared even higher when Seonho's name was called before his at the third elimination round, but now he just felt bad.

    He'd hoped with every name called after his that it would be Seonho's and when the time came, he let that hope rise in every fiber of his being just for Seonho to be the eleventh member in the group. When his name wasn't called, though, he deflated and tried to be happy for the others. There was still that nagging in the back of his head that kept reminding him constantly that his best friend wouldn't be standing on stage with him, that Seonho would be stuck in the practice room while he got to live his dream. He quietly let the tears fall, but quickly wiped them when the rest of the contestants came on stage. He had to look happy to be in the group; had to look thankful while deep down he was crushed that his best friend wouldn't be there to witness everything they've gone through; his hard work wouldn't be fulfilled.

    The trainees all came and hugged him, whether it was one by one or in groups, and congratulated him but all he wanted was to give his seventh place to someone else and go back home with Seonho. He wanted to go home and practice until CUBE was ready to let them debut. Together. He smiled and thanked each member and hugged them until they moved onto the next person and he continued until there was only one person he hadn't hugged. He waited patiently for Seonho to turn and look at him and throw his arms open in a gesture to hug him, and when he finally did hug him he didn't want to let go. When Seonho moved to let go, he pressed his face into the crook of his neck and wrapped his arms tighter until Seonho began rubbing circles on his back to calm him down.

    He only pulled away when the producers forced them off the stage so they could clean up and tear apart the set. They were taken to a smaller, more cozy room to sit and rest with the rest of the contestants and when they walked in he saw Minhyun crying in a seat and felt the warmth drain from his side as Seonho left him to go comfort Minhyun. He turned to leave as Seonho stayed to comfort the weeping boy and quickly caught Dongho's eye. He walked over to the boy who was gesturing for him and quickly sat down next to him.

"You're so whipped, you know that right?"


"Seonho, you're so whipped for him."

"I don't understand-"

"I saw your face drop every time a name was called, Guanlin. You may fool the others with your 'he's my best friend' but I'm not falling for that shit."


"I saw the tears pool in your eyes when Seonho's name wasn't called."

"I just-"

"If he's really your best friend, then tell him how you feel... best friends don't keep secrets from each other."

"I don't know what you're talking about...we're just friends."

"You think that now, but you'll figure out when it's too late."

"What do you mean too late?"

"I mean Seonho and Minhyun are pretty close, don't you think? You can try to fool others but again I can see through your little act. Confess before someone else does, or before you leave for wanna one and he has a year and a half to find someone else."

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