Get Ugly (2nd Evaluations One Shot Series: pt. 1)

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    Samuel sighs for the third time in ten seconds as he rolls his eyes at his teammates. He sits and wonders what he's done in his past life to be ignored like this. They're all praising Jihoon and his good looks, talking about how he would be a great center for the 'Get Ugly' stage as if Samuel hadn't just raised his hand and volunteered to be the center. They only saw Jihoon, who had also raised his hand, in all of his visual glory. Of course Samuel was the first to raise his hand, but none of that mattered as soon as Jihoon's very slim, very pretty hand hesitantly made it's way into the air as well, slowly but surely.

    He sighed as he thought that it was over, the center was Jihoon's part. It's what happened with the center position for 'Boy in Luv', surely it had to be that way for 'Get Ugly' as well: Samuel would raise his hand followed by Jihoon being hesitant but raising his hand nonetheless and leading to Jihoon being praised and complimented for an eternity until he is ultimately given the center position again. Of course they'd choose Jihoon over Samuel, even Samuel knew that. Jihoon was, well, Jihoon was absolutely flawless to put it simply (and Samuel envied him for that). His dancing was effortless, his rapping skills were off the charts, and he even had an amazing tone when he sang: it was such a pretty and alluring sound. Hell, even listening to him talk was nice because his voice was soft, soothing. Besides his obviously (and obnoxiously) high skill levels, he was also pretty in a way all entirely his own because comparing him to anything else was wrong. He was beautiful (Samuel could give him that), more beautiful than anyone Samuel's ever seen and Samuel's seen many beautiful faces, but none as breathtaking as Jihoon. Jihoon didn't have to try to be beautiful he just was and Samuel doesn't understand how something like that could make sense, but it does and he hates Jihoon for it.

    He hates that Jihoon's eyes are so round and intoxicating when he makes eye contact. He hates that Jihoon's face is so slim (with the exception of the apples of his cheeks that are perfectly full and effortlessly show off his sharp cheek bones). He hates that Jihoon's nose is slim and perfectly pointed (and he hates the fact that he just wants to boop it or lightly press his lips to it a couple of times and- he forces the thoughts out of his head). He hates Jihoon's god awful fashion sense that he still knows how to work flawlessly because he's Park fucking Jihoon that's who, and Jihoon's hair? God Samuel hates how his hair could literally be a god damn mess, he could've just woken up, and it would still look effortless; like it was meant to be that way. What he hates more than all of those things combined, though, is the fact that Jihoon's always smiling and always so happy and cheerful. It's not the fact that he's smiling that upsets Samuel, it's the fact that Samuel's drawn to his lips when he smiles, he's always looking at Jihoon's plump lips and imagining what it would be like to kiss him. God he hates Jihoon so much and he-

    What was he thinking about again??

    Oh, yeah. The 'Get Ugly' stage (he mutters that Jihoon distracting him is another reason he hates him). He quickly makes a solid point as to why he should be the center and hopes to God that it's a better reason than Jihoon's and that he miraculously gets chosen for the center spot, knowing he probably won't beat the amazing Jihoon. He's already in the process of writing his congratulatory speech for Jihoon when luck chooses to be on his side. His teammates soon started pointing out what Samuel was good at and thinking how much of an asset he could be as the center. There was a moment of silence, a long moment where the others thought hard about which person would fit the position better before heaven opened up and the part was given to Samuel. He was so happy that he smiled, but quickly hid it as not to upset Jihoon.

    Figuring out the choreography was another backstep on its own though as they had two choreographers with two completely different mindsets (who were both stubborn as hell and didn't feel like their idea was worth losing). When Woojin and Daniel finally decided that teaming up was better for them as a team then trying to split the choreo into two separate dances, they began practicing for the stage. They practiced and practiced until beads of sweat rolled down their faces and traced their jaws; until they were gasping for air and grabbing water bottles, but even then Samuel noticed Jihoon still practicing in the corner of his eyes. He saw as Jihoon would continue, unsatisfied with the turnout of his hard work, and start the song over. He had half a mind to stop the boy, but he thought better of it.

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