meeting again

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after hours of playing in the park, Naruto and Aoi finally made it home " we're home " called out Naruto as he carried Aoi in his arms but no one answered back so he made his way upstairs and into Aoi's room. Naruto placed Aoi on her bed then kissed her goodnight " sweet dreams, my little princess " whispered Naruto before he left. Naruto thought it was weird that no one was home but he shrugged it off then went to his room and fell asleep once he body touched his bed. 


the next morning

the sun finally raised but Naruto couldn't help but hiss when the sun blind him making it impossible for him to open his eyes " what time is it " thought Naruto when he slowly opened his eyes and tried to find his clock but it was harder then he thought but after a while his eyes started to adjust to the light. Naruto stared at the clock for 10 sec's before he realized that it read ' 1pm ' " it's too early " thought Naruto as he rolled over at his side and tried to get some more shut eye but he heard some noises coming from downstairs which made him really curious. Naruto got up and decide to get ready because he would have dealt with Mikoto if didn't woke up. Naruto got dressed then made his way downstairs but he stopped before his feet even hit the ground when he saw 3 people standing in the door way. Naruto narrowed his eyes so he could could take a better look but his couldn't help but widen his eyes when saw Sasuke a few feet away from him 

it took a few seconds for Sasuke to spot Naruto but when he did, his eyes widen " Naruto " thought Sasuke as he eye him from head to his toe " his hair gotten longer but it looks good on him " thought Sasuke as smirked a little. Sakura finally noticed Naruto and her eyes widen, like there was no tomorrow " what is that bitch doing here " thought Sakura but she couldn't help glance over Sasuke and glared at him when she saw that he was smirking so she did what she thought it was best in the situation and that was to cling onto Sasuke's arm. Naruto's feet finally touched the ground but his eyes wonder to the person next to Sasuke but it only made his eyes widen even more when he saw Sakura clinging onto Sasuke's arm then he notice a little boy in front of them but Naruto being a mature adult, decided to take a deep breath then exhale before he killed a bitch 

Naruto looked towards Sasuke then he looked back at Sakura and smirk " i didn't know we were sheltering the homeless " said Naruto making Sakura face flush from anger but she got even more angry when she heard Sasuke chuckle. Naruto was happy that Sakura was mad but his happiness ended when he felt a sharp pain behind his back " oww " mumbled Naruto as he try to reach the spot on his back that was in pain but he couldn't reach at all. Sakura smirked in victory when she saw Sasuke's mother smack Naruto, thinking she did it for her " that's the first thing you say when you wake up " said Mikoto making Naruto turn around with a painful look on his face " sorry " whispered Naruto but it only made Sakura narrow her eyes as she frown " good afternoon mom " said Naruto as he walked over to Mikoto then placed a kiss on her forehead making both Sasuke and Sakura eyed widen

 Naruto ignored all 3 by the door when he walked passed then and towards Fugaku who was sitting on the couch reading his newspaper " good afternoon dad " said Naruto as he did a little bow but he raised an eyebrow when he saw Fugaku smiling towards him but no one notice because the news paper was covering his face " sheltering the homeless " questioned Fugaku making Naruto smirk " i couldn't think of something better " whispered Naruto as he rub the back of his head " i know you could better " whispered Fugaku " thanks dad " said Naruto before he walked back towards Mikoto who smiled at him " I'm going to wake up Aoi " said Naruto as he kissed Mikoto once more before he made his way upstairs " come downstairs for lunch, once Aoi is awake " said Mikoto making Naruto nod his head 

Sasuke saw Naruto making his way upstairs " who's Aoi " thought Sasuke as he frown but he couldn't help but make a fist " Sasuke " called out Fugaku sat he stood up " yes father " said Sasuke when he turned his head towards Fugaku " there's 2 guest bedroom, downstairs so you're free to use them " said Fugaku as he walked passed them then made his way straight into the kitchen " thank you father " said Sasuke as he bow just slightly " so scary " thought Daisuke " come to the dinning room when you're done packing " said Mikoto then she left in the same direct Fugaku went 

Sasuke, Sakura and Daisuke were left in the living room alone then Sasuke pulled away from Sakura " get off me " said Sasuke as he grabbed his suitcase then went to the guest bedroom that was near the staircase " Sasuke-kun, wait for me " said Sakura as she grabbed her suitcase then followed Sasuke who stopped when he opened the door to the guest bedroom " what " asked Sasuke as he turned around and faced Sakura who was right behind him " aren't you gonna let me in " asked Sakura making Sasuke glare at her " you're not gonna sleep with me in the same room, you're gonna sleep with Daisuke in the other guest room " said Sasuke then he went inside the room and closed the door in Sakura's face " just you wait Sasuke " thought Sakura as she turned around and faced her son " let's go unpack " said Sakura as she led her son towards their bedroom 

Naruto made his way towards Aoi's room, he knocked on the door gently but after a while he opened the door and saw his daughter sleeping so peacefully that it made him sigh " why did Sasuke come here and right when i was about to give up on him " thought Naruto as he made his way towards his daughter bed " honey, wake up " whispered Naruto as he lend in and rub Aoi's arm " 5 more mins " mumbled Aoi as she turn her back towards Naruto " i guess 5 more mins, won't hurt " said Naruto as he got in her bed then gave Aoi a back hug " please let this be a nightmare " thought Naruto as he closed his eyes then fell asleep with Aoi by his side 


30 mins later 

everyone was sitting around the table in the dinning room " what kind of crap is this " thought Sakura as she poked her food but when she looked up, she notice that Sasuke as glaring her with a ' you better eat it and like it ' face but she only roll her eyes instead " thank you for the food, Ms. Uchiha " said Sakura when she saw Mikoto sit down " don't worry about it " said Mikoto making Sakura narrow her eyes " that's all you're gonna say, i'm your daughter-in-law. at least show some respect " thought Sakura as she eat the food in front of her but she wanted to throw up 

everyone was eating quietly until Mikoto broke the silence " where's Naruto and Aoi " asked Mikoto as she turned her head towards the staircase then sigh deeply " they're properly sleeping " said Fugaku as he took a bite of food " so who's " asked Sasuke but was cut off by Naruto who was carrying Aoi in his arms when he enter the dinning room " sorry, we're late " said Naruto as he rubbed his eyes " that's alright dear " said Mikoto as she smile when she saw Aoi still sleeping in Naruto's arm

Sasuke looked up from his plate but his eyes widen when he saw a little girl being carried by Naruto " he has a kid " thought Sasuke as he grip the spoon tightly. Naruto sat down with Aoi still in his arm, Aoi had her head against Naruto's chest " so who's this " asked Sakura as she tilted her head just slightly " this is my daughter Aoi " said Naruto as he used his hands to support Aoi's back and head " you have a daughter " questioned Sakura as she smirk when she glance over at Sasuke who had his eyes twitching in annoyance " aww how nice " said Sakura making Naruto nod " honey wake up " said Naruto as he rub his daughter's back " it's too early " mumbled Aoi making Sasuke smile a little " she's just like Naruto when he was younger " thought Sasuke " it's 2 in the afternoon " said Naruto " just a little bit more " mumbled Aoi as she snugged against Naruto's chest for warmth 

Naruto rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled a little " but we have guest honey " said Naruto making Aoi sit up " but mommy, you said that the guest weren't important so why should i say ' hello ' to people that are irrelevant " said Aoi making Sakura and Sasuke get a tick mark on their forehead " honey, what are you talking about " said Naruto as he pinch Aoi's cheeks but he looked up then smile just slightly but Sakura looked like she just realize something " did your daughter, just call you mommy " asked Sakura " yes she did but why are you asking " asked Naruto as he glared at Sakura but it didn't go unnoticed by everyone " she's acting like, you gave birth to her " said Sakura " of course mommy, gave birth to me. you're just jealous that he's better looking then you, you pink hair banshee " said Aoi as she turn her head around but Sasuke and Sakura couldn't help but gasp, of how beautiful Aoi was with her raven hair, pale skin complexion and baby blue eyes " someone touch my Naru " thought Sasuke as he grip his glass so hard that it broke making his hand bleed 

................................ TO BE CONTINUED 

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