On the Twelfth day of Christmas

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It was a night that wasn't Christmas and all through the house, nothing was stirring, except a telly and a mouth. On and on it yawned, till it could yawn no more. And what followed that yawn? Why, the most unpleasant of snores.

See, those snores were befitting for they belonged to no other than the meanest of rich men, you can ask his mother! Kim Chawol was the name, though we could call him Ebenezer Scrooge, and right at that moment the doorbell rang, ruining his snooze.

He grumbled and turned this way and that. Still it kept ringing, its tone all flat. Finally, he arose in the bitterest of moods and went to answer the door our Ebenezer Scrooge. Behold what beheld him, a most frightening sight:

 Christmas carolers, out caroling for the night!

Oh how they hummed and how they sang, each note in perfect harmony. There were three to be exact, and Scrooge wasn't bothered by their masks (actually very creepy masks). He hated caroling! What a blasphemous thing to do! "Sing this!" HE cried with a middle finger, which meant-well you know don't you?

Slamming the door, he turned and huffed, marched into the kitchen to get a puff. He simply couldn't believe how quickly the year had gone by! And he could still hear them singing, with their melodies harmonized! 

Off, the tv went, and up the stairs he walked, never failing to pause that this place cost over 2,000 bucks. That's if you went in USD, but in won, huh, the price is a lot higher you see. For our Scrooge is a very rich man, and he liked to gloat over his apartment, overtime he reached the stand. But when he reached the stand and did his gloating poise, the door behind him opened suddenly, making a horrid noise. 


He jumped and turned, but there was nothing to see. Just an open door to an empty room that wasn't really empty (but he doesn't know that). Cursing, he marched over and slammed it, nice and shut. He then turned to go to bed, but there is a but. 

The door cracked open again, with its same loud creak. This time he jumped, but of out of anger, no fearful shriek. Walking back over, he tried to shut it again. It closed, he stared, nothing happen so then...

He walked away.

But no more than 3 steps had he took, when it creaked open, and he knew he had to take a look. In the room he goes, hairs standing on his neck. The atmosphere grew cold, still he broke out into a sweat. It was a room, he did not enter often. Nothing to do but stare at the dust. Pictures and old items scattered, but it was the absence of one that drew him in. He walks over to to find his niece's snow globe is gone. It belonged to his niece, it was his favorite one.

He looked high and low, scratched his head deep in thought. Finally, he came to he conclusion:

The globe was lost.

With shame he hung his forehead, but the moment was short-lived. At that very moment, he looked in the desk mirror and felt his heart give.

On the mirror, a writing appeared. First incoherent, then the words began to steer. 


In that moment, Scrooge knew he must leave. So he turned to run, screaming like a little baby. He'd made it out the door, but sadly he tripped. Right down the stairs, he fell. At the bottom, his body quipped. 

Twas the night 12 weeks before Christmas and all through the house, not living soul stirred. Not Scrooge's dead body, nor the mouse...in the snow globe....that was his favorite...that was missing...but not any more.

From the top of the stairs, a voice hissed,

"Now let the countdown begin."

12 days before Christmas.....

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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