Chapter One

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Why are they on a cruise? For fun I guess, I don't know either. And why did Marsh help Apple break out of the hotel...

Apple couldn't seem to hold her excitement much longer, she squeezed Marshmallow tightly, strangling her at the same time.

"Apple...You're strangling me..." Marsh gasped. Apple released her friend.

"Oops, sorry Marsh. But, remind me, what's a cruise?" she said. (She has the IQ of a doorknob.)

Just then, Fan jumped over out of thin air. "I'll check the Wikipedia." he said, grabbing his phone from behind him, "It says that it's a voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure or as a holiday and usually calling in at several places."

"Oh. Thanks. Hey wait! What does voyage mean?" Apple asked.

Marsh and Fan both facepalmed. 


Microphone had sneaked Taco onto the ship.

"Thanks, Mic. Maybe instead of just using you (for your own benefits), we could really be true friends now." Taco said, sipping her cup of tea.

"Okay, I feel like I'm lacking friends now on the team. Suitcase seems nice but she's in an alliance with Baseball. I could ask if I can join but I feel they're gonna break up the alliance anyway." Mic said.

Taco looked as if she was really surprised, since she wasn't at the elimination in episode 11. "Break up the alliance? Why?" she asked.

"I saw Baseball's upset expression after Suitcase voted Nickel to be eliminated. I'm not blind, after all." Mic lowered her head in sadness.

Taco cared about Mic more than the other older contestants, she said "All you need to do now is to stay in the game, do everything right so you don't get eliminated. Balloon is gone now, happily living inside Hotel OJ with those weird fools. Win the million for both of us."

Mic felt more positive when Taco mentioned that the obstacle labeled "Balloon" is out of her way. "I'll keep my gain on at all times. But warn me to hide before speaking to me, okay?" she said. "I'm going to find Suitcase to ask about the alliance thing."

Taco was very surprised. "You actually care about joining their alliance? After you think they're falling apart?"

Microphone smirked, "I have a plan to separate them even more." 

"Must be backstabbing them, right? Voting them out in the next failed game. Clever plan, Mic. I'm impressed." Taco smiled.

Mic stopped smiling. "You are?"



Baseball still can't believe that Suitcase had "backstabbed" Nickel. He sat in his room when there was a knock at the door-- Well, it was more of a kick.

"Who's there?" Baseball asked.

"Um, Baseball, I'm just here to ask you something."

"Suitcase?" he stood up.

"And me-- Mic!" Mic yelled.

"What are you two doing here?" Baseball asked, he walked towards the room door.

"Mic wanted to ask if she could join our alliance. I said that was fine with me but Baseball's opinion matters, too. So we went to find you." Suitcase answered.

Mic couldn't stop a cheeky smirk.

Baseball lowered his head, "I dunno. Maybe we should beak up the alliance now. It isn't the same without Nickel."

Mic stopped grinning.

"But we could try." he raised his head.

Suitcase was so happy that she hugged Microphone, knocking her over.

Taco was spying around the corner, Mic saw her and winked. Taco thumbs up back.


"Apple, next Christmas, I'm asking Santa to give you an encyclopedia." Marsh said.

Fan nodded.

"Aw please! Just tell me what 'apple means!"

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