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sandra was sat in her best friend's small bedroom by the open window, the drug seeping throughout her body slowly. "give me the fuckin' dooby, beach, before i kick you out of my house." she giggled at the insults and handed him the joint, watching him fondly as he blew the smoke in her face.

the drugged up state she was in leaving her in a dream like state. sandra stared up at her ceiling while the boy talked about something that she couldn't even hear. all she felt right now was the drug coursing through her body, her heartbeat and the psychedelic music blasting by her ears.

she picked up her phone and opened instagram, scrolling through the numerous memes, beauty trends and asian idols that littered it. laughing purely because it all just seemed so funny to her.

"holy shit!" she exclaimed, stumbling across a post from a day6 fan account explaining the jyp auditions.

the boy screamed from the sudden outburst his friend had, "SANDRA WHAT THE FUCK" he crawled over to where she laid, looking at her phone before falling back onto the carpeted floor.

"jyp's holding auditions again." the boy glared at her, not knowing what she was talking about nor caring. even when you're stoned, you can't suddenly care about this shit.

"i don't give a shit, sands." she huffed and saved the post, turning away from her friend. "i know, dumbass, no one does." she put her phone down and returned to staring at the ceiling.

she felt something hit her chest and she looked down to see a brownie covered in seran wrap. her hungry ass ripped open the wrappings and shoved half the brownie in her mouth, deciding to ignore the weird taste it had.

she giggled at the boy next to her and continued eating the brownie, content in the moment despite the incident moments before.


i don't weed

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