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angelina was bent over her desk, staring at the open textbooks and blank white paper scattered across the surface. she sighed, looking at the stress inducing words she was surronded by.

she shot up from her chair, slipping on her shoes and going outside, folding up the sleeves to her burgendy sweater due to the hot australia air, before beginning her trek to no where.

angelina walked around, humming the tune to a nonexistent song, while she looked at the familar scenery.

she pulled out her phone, staring at the background that was kai before unlocking it and scrolling through her instagram timeline, watching all the people on it freak out about jyp's global auditions being opened again.

she couldn't relate due to the fact that she didn't have a reason to be. sure, she could audition herself, but her views on herself were so horrible that she couldn't even see herself in korea, let alone being an idol.

she put her phone back in her pocket and continued the walk.


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