d r a g o n. g i r l.

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"I'm whatever you want me to be," they whispered to me so I let my mind wander and paint a pretty picture. Scales littered their pretty wings, turning them from white to a green coat of many things. Bravery. Loyalty. Fierce. Almighty.

This dragon girl stood at the top of a mountain with her head held high with a pair of damp eyes. Great and big with an attitude so intimidating, she made all the birds unable to fly. Her wings stronger than steal armor keep her safe from the many dangerous jealousies people have for her that keep itching at her throat. She could soar higher than heaven itself. Zooming past the clouds in which her angel friends float. Waving hello and then soon goodbye, she takes a dip back down and faces the knights wanting to fight. A single breath of flames is all it really takes before the evil people's men begin running away frightened for their lives. Don't mess with her, she'll let you know when you've crossed a line. And though she may be fierce and unafraid to protect herself, her heart is also humble and kind.

A throne torn and dirty is where she sadly sits because she is not given nearly enough credit and never has been. A seat of velvet green and solid gold to match her scales but also her heart, though so bold, is what she deserves and hopefully will someday get. Because of this and probably other things too, this stunning dragon keeps a frown upon her fire-throwing lips. And even tho reptiles have no eyelids and the inability to cry, there is often somehow a tear on her cheek that is never quick to dry.

If she could only believe that crying didn't make her weak, she would cry a waterfall of salty tears and she would let out the sadness from years and years and years. My lady of honor, my lady of strength, my lady of beauty, crying isn't just for humans, it's for angel-dragon hybrids too and for someone like you, you too deserve to leave the loudest sobs in the entire universe and still be placed upon the highest pedestal.

Keep your head high even if that means you can't always keep your eyes dry. And that's when little, tiny, ten-year-old me decides to ask: "Are you sad because so many people think that it's strength you lack?"

They respond again with their voice like silk "Yes, but what's even worse is that I am one of these people. And that's because it's true that I am small and I am feeble."

The Fish Kid - Short Story #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now