Chapter 4.

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This chapter has been written five different times and I just wasn't happy with any of them so I just came up with this one throughout the nights.

Also from my opinion this chapter is short and I find it not that creative, I couldn't come up with anything else to write so I just wanted to give y'all something to read buttttt this was just a little something to give y'all so I could finally update so if it sucks I'm so sorry I promise I'll do better in the next chapter :/

Also there is two other kids other than jazzy and jaxon that were in the beginning but I decided that they're not gonna be in the story anymore. I totally forgot to write about them which falls on my part but just forget about them and once I finish this chapter I'll edit them out in the beginning.

Ava's pov:

December 4th, 2016

Time was super slow today it was unreal, a minute that passed felt like five minutes and I could've sworn the clock stayed on 2:30 for more than a minute, or maybe it was slow because I was staring at it acting like ten minutes would magically go by. I was dying from an annoying ass headache that hasn't gone away since this morning and I wanted to so badly go home but there was still fifteen minutes left in this dumb class.

I'm currently in seventh period and I was so ready to leave once that bell rings, it's been a long day and I really just wanted nothing more than to lay in my bed and go to sleep. Plus it's Friday so I couldn't be any more anxious for the two days away from this place. Just three more weeks until Christmas break where I'll have two weeks of just going to bed and waking up at whatever time, I'm really looking forward to that.

"Wait Mrs. I wasn't done yet" a kid in class practically yelled who was right next to me causing my head that was hurting to hurt even more. Yell any louder and you'll reach five classes down, God I wanted to punch him in his face, fucking write fast then or take a picture.

"Sorry Brian" my teacher apologized stupidly and then went back to the slide that had been up for like ten minutes, she should've just moved to the next slide like this is why we're always behind on new topics because of slow writers. And I don't care if I'm being rude, I'm always bitchy when I'm in school especially when I'm having a shitty day.

This morning I woke up having the urge to throw up in which I did, twice so that was an amazing early gift. And no I'm not pregnant so don't jump to that crazy conclusion. I panicked myself all morning thinking that was the reason which already ruined my day but I'm certain I'm not, I'm on the pill. I wouldn't even know what to do if it ever came to that which I shouldn't be fearing of happening in the first place.

Through first and fourth my stomach was killing me all throughout the periods but then the pain subsided probably from the pills I took before going to school. Anyone would think I'm crazy and ask why didn't I stay home when it was a free opportunity to miss school but like I said before; missing one day is like missing two days worth of learning and I really need to get my grade up so I could pass first semester, my dad would flip shit if he found out how my grades looked right now, if they're not ninety or above he considers that failing which is ridiculous but he expects more from me and wants me to go to a good college blah blah blah.

"Victoria put your phone up and take notes" my teacher scolded her from her table. I looked and Victoria just rolled her eyes pretending to put it up when she really just hid it on her side. We both do the same thing. Thankfully today we were back in rows instead of group tables this time, I would've lost it if I had to listen to victoria and chase bicker the whole period, we three were all separated and I was perfectly happy with that.

Capitulated | Incest | Jason MccannOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora