peace for the world

20 7 2

no one talks anymore
now it's time
to show how kids cry
laying on the ground
in the arms of their parents
under the knife of war
not strong enough to fight
afraid of the loud noises
no sleep..a sleepless night
don't see the future of the world
'cause no one is holding hands
nobody listens to people
so i think we don't deserve the world
i'm afraid of being alive
hold me, the world is breaking down
just want to keep the light off
but i can't just look away
can't breath in between the war
can't live with knowing people are dying
we have to love everyone now
or we have no more time
so we never got the chance to love
with just looking away
we sign the death of people
the water will be full of blood
blood from innocent people
where is the love?
why is everyone afraid of love?
nobody is realising what's going on
we have to love each other
and to stick together
WE against war
so let's hold hands
we against the war

jule b

P O E M SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora