Polished Silver

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Cynthia: spooky.
Jillian: ?
Cynthia: the house; it lives up to its name.
Cynthia: chill! My boyfriend is here with me.
Jillian: no, your bf is more likely to throw you at her first! What are you thinking?!
Cynthia: her? When you told me about the ghost supposedly hunting this creepy house you said you didn't know it's gender.
Jillian: I don't. I guessed?
Cynthia: sure. Anyway, all we're finding is dust, lots and lots of dust.
Cynthia: and let's not forget the cobwebs!
Jillian: you need to get out of there.
Jillian: I'm serious, the lady who used to live there was CRAZY before she died. Now she's just an obsessive psychopath!
Cynthia: ha! So you do know more! You know I dislike 'empty' stories, why didn't you give me all the details, fill it in?
Jillian: I was scared you'd get too interested and go, LIKE YOU FOOLISHLY DID.
Cynthia: Brian and I are just treasure hunting. He heard the last owner had a thing for silver and that her collection was never moved from the house.
Jillian: it was more than a 'thing'....
Cynthia: whatever. But it seems like you know a lot; why do you know so much about the crazy lady?
Cynthia: oh, guess what we found!!! We are in the kitchen. All the cutlery is gleaming silver!!! I guess the drawer kept dust off of it:)
Cynthia: yikes, chill. This place is almost condemned Jillian, no one's gonna miss it
Jillian: please, don't touch the silver
Cynthia: can't make any promises:p but it's weird; even the picture frames have silver decals; she musta really been a silver nut. All the silver is void of dust too... Freaky, but whatever! That just means we don't have to polish it:)!!!!
Jillian: silver doesn't stay polished! Please get out of there before you meet her!
Cynthia: I'm rolling my eyes here girl. Your getting way too tense! The ladys dead remember?
Jillian: then tell me; who's polishing her beloved silver?
Cynthia: you're worrying me.
Jillian: you should be worried! Get out!
Cynthia: but I told Brian I could explore for two hours...
Jillian: she'll kill you if you touch her silver! Just tell him you'd rather cuddle or something!
Cynthia: okay, I love a good scary story/situation, but you tell me right now how you can be so certain of all this.
Jillian: ...I've experienced it.
Cynthia: what?! Why didn't you tell me? Clearly the rumours about people never returning are false.
Jillian: no, not entirely; I didn't tell you because... Well... She was still alive at the time. On a dare I snuck into her house, still weird but somewhat more unkempt then, and nicked a silver button off a coat hanging on the wall. She saw me from the kitchen, and chased me, bloody knife in hand from cutting some poor dead thing. I hesitated, but when she threw it and it cut my arm, I was so freaked and terrified I ran out without a second thought. She tripped on the steps down to the driveway, then rolled down breaking her neck on the way. Later I kept seeing her following me, eyes those of a maniacs. My luck got worse and worse... Until one day, you were there remember, I fell on a pitchfork; truth is, she shoved me. I returned the button after I was discharged from the hospital... But I know she's still there, cleaning her silver. Please, don't make the same mistake I did!
Cynthia: Julian... There's screaming coming from upstairs... They sound hurt... I'm going to get Brian.
Cynthia: JILIAN! Brian broke the silver decoration off the bathroom mirror! There's a lady standing behind him!
Cynthia:she... Broke his neck!
Cynthia: I believe you now!!! What do I do?!
Cynthia: She's following me outside!
Cynthia: JILIAN!
Jilian: Get somewhere with people!
Jillian: Cynthia?!

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