Late Night Creaking? Screaming?

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Elli: hey you up
Jill: of course not its late.
Eli: oh, okay. Text me when you wake up.
Jill:.....elli..... Honey......
Elli: cool! I didn't know you could sleep text!
Jill:.....elli no one can sleep text. You should know that I'm awake
Elli: no, your sleeping. If you aren't that means you LIED. And you KNOW how I feel about LYING.
Jill: elli, it was a joke. I thought it wouldn't hurt because it was so obvious. A little white lie never hurt anyone.
Elli: not every one is smart Jill someone could believe you.
Jill: look it is late, I really want to go to bed. Can we please discuss this tomorrow?
Elli: fine
Elli: actually no. I need to talk with you right now
Jill: elli are you okay? I know you dislike it but you seem really upset
Elli: I'm fine just tense/stressed.... Sorry if I exploded.
Jill: no prob. What's wrong?
Elli: nothing, it's fine. I just wanted a distraction, but the noises have settled down now.
Jill: Noises? What noises?
Elli: just the house noises. Groaning, creaking, etc. They just seem so loud and eerie at night..... Sometimes the creaking from the front gate is so loud I can hear a it from my room and it sounds like screaming. Or at least slightly it sounds like that, it is still a creak.
Jill: elli, no wonder you're so tired since you moved houses! How could possibly be getting any sleep?! That's it when I get there to walk with you to school I'm bringing oil. We'll silence the gate before we go! (I hear what you mean; I cringe whenever it closes behind you in the morning; nails on a chalkboard much!)
Elli: exactly!!!!!! It's ridiculous, but mom and dad aren't back from vacation and the creepy babysitter refuses to do anything. Ugh, why my parents though I still need a babysitter I have no idea.
Jill: that stinks.
Jill: maybe it has to do with the party you threw last time they went out?
Elli: maybe.....
Jill: well, now that I know your fine I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight:)
Elli: night!
----next evening----
Elli: hey. What's the calculus homework again?
Jill: you should know this!
Elli: I fell asleep okay?! It's not like I don't have a good reason though!
Jill: fine. 1-9 in the review booklet.
Elli: thanks:)
Elli: so looking forward to a good nights sleep now that we fixed the creaky gate!!!!!
Jill: the oil totally did its job huh! It wasn't making a sound when we left didn't work. The screeching is back again.....
Jill: what? But we tested it after school too.
Elli: it does sound different though.... A bit muffled.... And... Oh gosh Jill it's scaring me
Jill: elli what
Elli: it sounds human like now, more like screaming than ever. In fact I can't hear anything in the noise related to a creak at all...
Jill: elli, I'm sure it's nothing, maybe we used a bad oil so it's dried/turned crusty increasing the shrillness? At least it's quieter right?
Elli: yes... But I keep having this scary thought.....
Jill: what?
Elli: what if...the gate's creaking was covering up something else?
Jill: listen to yourself. What would it be covering up? Who would be screaming at this time of night? It's almost one! (Wait, you're starting your homework NOW?! ELLI!)
Elli: true... My 'bedtime' is 8 according to the babysitter and she checks randomly between 9-12 so I have to fake sleep. She locked me in the house, grounded for a week, last time she caught me! That's why I didn't attend school. So yes I have to do my homework at one.
Elli: although I admit procrastination may or may not be a factor.
Jill: seriously, get better habits.
Elli: Jill, forget my habits, the groaning... It's familiar along with the scream! Do you think they're connected? And there's something about the similar tones that makes me feel I should know more about their origins.....
Jill: it's not a scream elli it's a creak. That's all. Just go to sleep, I'll let you copy my homework in the morning.
Elli: but I'm curious! Before I was kinda scared, but now I want to know why they sound similar.
Jill: just go to sleep!
Elli: like I can, I slept in class and I'll just toss and turn.
Jill: fine, whatever. Text me what you find, I'll check in the morning.
Elli: wait!
Jill: yeah?
Elli: can you please stay on? I am still a bit scared... For one thing, what if the babysitter catches me? This is the first time I'm leaving my room after lights out.
Elli: gosh, I sound like a pathetic little kid...
Jill: sure. Not like the math test I have in the morning is important or anything....
And no worries, I'll just tease you for eternity! (She is creepy; I don't blame you for listening. And not like you had much a night life to begin with)
Elli: thanks, I think.
Jill: what are friends for?:)
Elli: sarcasm it would seem.
Elli: it sounds louder nearer to the basement.
Jill: well sarcasm IS a teenagers best friend:) and you better not be going down there, haven't you seen horror movies? I don't want my dad investigating YOUR murder, haha. Don't be the dumb protagonist
Elli: Jill! I'm actually worried and that's not helping! But in any case those are movies, it's for plot and to make the movie actually entertaining. It pretty much never happens in real life, I'm not being a dumb protagonist, simply a curious girl who, after considering the chance that there MIGHT be a demon or axe murderer downstairs (very very low), is going to get to the bottom of these noises so I can get some sleep. My life is not a horror movie/scary story so no traumatic event is required. Happy with my answer?
Jill: sorry..... Can I just say that sleep deprivation has made you touchy?
Elli: no.
Jill: well it has.
Elli: I'm in the basement; it's so dark... Just stubbed me toe; it hurts! Should I turn the light on?
Elli: that... Was no creak! Jill, there's no way these noises are from the house, they sound way too human!!!!!! I'm going back upstairs, please please please get your dad to come over!
Jill: hey now! My dad may be a cop but he won't appreciate getting out of bed at this hour for nothing. And what happened to your courage and confidence?
Elli: the laughter after the screaming... Kinda chased it away.
Jill: OMG, elli, were there people down there?! I'm gonna wake dad
Elli: I don't know I didn't look!
Elli: Jill, the door closed behind me!!!!!!!!!
Jill: what?! Get out!
Elli: I am, it's the creak it made when closing in worried about! I haven't heard a scream in a while now.......... I'm scared.....
Jill: hang in there, dads on his way!
Elli: there are footsteps coming from the basement!!! I'm stuck in the kitchen, what do I do?!!!!!!!!!
Jill: hide!
Elli: where?!
Jill: try a cupboard!
Jill: elli?
Jill: elli!!!!! Please answer!

Elli: had to hide the screens glow: didn't want HER to see.....
Jill: the babysitter? Are you okay?!!!
Elli: i fear not for much longer; I guess the shadows hid me so she walked past. How long till your dad gets here? I'm scared...
Jill: wait, the SHADOWS hid you? And she just walked right past?
Jill: do I know this is you?

Elli: Jill! Seriously I'm freaking out here!!! Just tell me how long till your dad gets here!
Jill: I may have lied about waking him dismissing your panic for lack of sleep paranoia...
Elli: wait, you lied to me, again?!! How am I supposed to trust you?! You're supposed to be my best friend and when I'm about to die you lie to me?!
Jill: yes it's you. More Good news; The lie was the lie! ......That cancels it out right? I didn't want the babysitter to know how long she had to escape if it wasn't you. He'll be there soon!
Elli: ...., she went upstairs! Once she's sees I'm not in bed I'm doomed! I wish my parents were here...
Elli: Jill, who told you where they went again?
Jill: she did.....
Elli: I was afraid of that. I'm going back downstairs while she's busy
Jill: no! It's too dangerous!
Elli: I have too!
Jill: elli!
Jill: don't do it Elli!
Elli: Jill, the noises were made by my parents! They're tied up and beaten...... What do I do?! Jill what do I do?! You took first aid right?!
Elli: there's someone upstairs! They're tapping on the door!
Jill: don't let her know you're there!
Elli: the lights broken so we're stuck in close darkness; if I move I'll hit something and make noise!
Elli: wait, it's your dad, he's calling for me to open the door... be back, wish me luck
Jill: elli, why would my dad need to knock?! We have your spare key!
Elli: I didn't know that......... I wish I didn't open the door......
Jill: elli, are you hurt?!
Elli: I don't think..... Well let's say it looks like I'm the dumb protagonist after all
Jill: don't say that!
Elli: I crawled into the broom closet when she turned back to my parents but she'll find me again any second...... Jill, thank you for everything.
Jill: elli, don't you do this!!!! Don't you dare act like you're going to die! My dad'll be there soon! Hang on in there!
Jill: please please be okay...

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