Chapter 6.

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My apologies for this weird time frame. This chapter was taken place after the exchange of the guns and before/during Jinyoung was being taken.


Lay's POV

I was driving down the road, going back to the house after the exchange. Why was Sehun making such a big deal of me talking to those guys? It was just a few questions. And I know Suho probably won't find out.

But if they don't work for Namjoon like they said, who do they work for?

I know Sehun was just trying to look out for me, trying not to let me get my ass kicked by Suho. Because we both know he would.

Why does Sehun look after me like that? He always has. I'm his hyung, shouldn't it be the other way around?

Well, I may be older than him, but he acts more mature.

I look over to the boy in the passenger seat, his head was leaning on the window, he was asleep. He looks so peaceful sleeping. I wonder what it would be like to wake him up by wrapping my lips around his co-

I stopped myself. Focus on the road, Yixing.


We arrived at the house. We barley walked in the door when Suho was already interrogating us.

"How'd it go? Did any of you guys talk? Did they talk?" For some reason, he directed these questions towards Sehun. He was still half asleep, hair messy as he rubbed his eyes.

I decided to speak for him. "Actually, yeah. I asked them if they work for Kim Namjoon."

Suho gave me a glare. "Why? Didn't I tell you to keep your mouth shut?"

"It was just a question, chill mom." I rolled my eyes.

"Well I'm guessing they said yes." Suho mumbled. What?


"They said yes when you asked if they work for Namjoon, didn't they..?" He asked, confused.

"No.. they said, and I quote, 'You mean Namgay? He wishes we worked for him.'" I tried to mimic the scrawny boys voice.

"What the fuck." Suho pulled out his phone.

"What's wrong?" Chen asked. Suho didn't say anything, I look to see Sehun and he was laying on the couch, already asleep. I smile slightly at his appearance.

"Are you sure they said that??" Suho asked me, still looking at his phone.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"I don't know what's going on then.. those packages were supposed to be for Namjoon and his guys." I looked at him, puzzled.

"Are you saying we gave the package to the wrong guy???" Chen said loudly. At this point, everyone was in the room. Sehun woke up.

"This is not our fault. You sent us to a place, with boxes, we did what we were told." Said Luhan.

"I know, I know. I just need to find out who took them. Okay so Namjoon's gang consists of him, Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook."

"They didn't tell us their-"

"Wait, did you say Jungkook?" Kai spoke.

Suho looked at him. "Yes. Jeon Jungkook. What's it to you?"

"Nothing.." Kai looked down, looking guilty.

"Kai.. didn't you tell me you slept with a-" Baekhyun started.

"No." Kai cut him off.

"What?" Suho squinted. "Do you have something to tell me, Kai?" He got in his face.

Oh no, don't tell me he-

"Yeah. I slept with him.. Jungkook." Kai said, Suho stepped back. "I'm sorry! I didn't know he was part of a gang.."

"Are you fucking kidding me!! This is all just so great. We gave guns to the wrong guy, and one of my guys, slept with a guy from a different group. Fucking fantastic."

"There's nothing we can do about the Kai thing.." Tao spoke up. "What happened, happened. But what are we going to do about the guns?"

Suho took a deep breath, collecting himself. "We have to go over to them. Namjoon and his gang. Find out who took it, find them, kick their ass, and give the packages to Namjoon."

"Aren't they our rival though? We shouldn't be held responsible, all we did was respond to emails, and deliver. It's their problem, right?" Chanyeol spoke up as well. We all agreed but Suho.

"No. We shouldn't be worrying about it, but knowing Namjoon, he'll come after us. And I don't want any of you guys getting hurt." It still amazes me how bipolar Suho can be. Just a second he was yelling at us and now he's saying how he doesn't want us to get hurt.

"Tonight. I'm bringing five people. Sehun. Yixing. Chanyeol. Baekhyun. And, Kai." Suho squinted, "Don't try any shit. We'll talk about you later."

We all nodded.

"Everyone who i just called, go get ready. We're going to the next town."


Ooooo they're going to Namjoon

Thank you for reading 💘

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