power Out

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the candles, where burn out the Open sealing was closed, and The Ghost where Running back to there paintings. Seruves"!! I say he grabs my hand as we walk in the blob. I run to Tonks' as I sigh and Sleeping, bags where scaterd out as Dumberldoor Tallk to the teachers."your okay Elli"? Tonks' said worrdie the candles light up as we here about Voldermort me And Servues' both lower are head knowing he After James.  Remues' looks at me and sighs worrdie.  He gets Pulls by Sruiers'. As I lay my head on Servues' I close my eyes , as I fall a sleep. The next day all the teachers had to walk us to the next class and it was weird , The slytherins and gryfiondors' where escorted  to poshions "this so bloody stupied "? I told reamues"Lupen!" sruirs yells and smirks as he looks at me"hey"? I scof hey"?  He laughs and grabs Lupien.' He looks back at , me sad. I sigh and we walk to the dinner with Servuers' as Beallatrx , Trips me. I gasp and growls"what the hell"!! I say angry "leave no one wants u"! Tonks' @nd Reamues ' Smirks we want them"!! So do we "James says and Lilly rase her hand to."now back off"! James growl . we ask dumblerdoor, if we all can sit together and he said yes, this is true friendship .

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