Chapter 1

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Casie's POV

"Casie we're leaving for the airport in five minutes! So hurry up and meet us in the car!" My mom shouted to me from the landing.

"Coming!" I yelled back as i quickly stuffed my phone and some headphones into my purse.

I took one last look at my now empty room that I've lived in for the past sixteen years of my life. My whole family has to move to Birmingham, which is all the way in the United Kingdom and very far away from St. Louis where I've lived all my life, for my dad's new job. I don't really mind the move seeing as I've never really had any good friends to begin with and my past here has never been easy with the constant teasing I endure every day at school. I'm actually looking forward to being able to start over.

I close the door to my room and begin to quickly jog down the stairs and out to the car. I slide into the backseat next to my little brother Jack who greets me by sticking his tongue out at me which i return. We've never really gotten along to well, which you may have noticed by our loving greeting, so i just lean back and plug my headphones into my phone and put it on shuffle.

I was soon being shaken awake by my dad as I had apparently fallen asleep in the car on the way to the airport.

"Casie wake up we're here and we need to go before we miss our flight," My dad said to me while walking around toward the trunk and grabbing some of the luggage out of the back.

I hopped out of the car and grabbed my suitcase and began wheeling it into the airport. We went through security and customs fairly quick and then waited by our gate until they announced that we could board. We all piled into the plane and I easily found my seat next to the window and sat down. I took a deep breath and sighed while looking out the city which I'd soon be leaving forever. The plane began to pick up speed down the runway, and soon we were air born. I put my headphones back into place and rested my head against the cool glass of the window as I drifted off to sleep once again.

When I next awoke the voice over the intercom system was announcing that we'd be landing shortly and for all passengers to secure their seat belts. I reached over and fastened my seat belt and waited in my seat as the plane bounced onto the ground. As soon as we were given the okay to stand up, I got out of my seat and grabbed my carry on and walked out of the plane with my family and into the crisp air of my new home.

The drive to our new house didn't take very long because shortly after we left the airport we pulled up in front of a fairly big brick house surrounded by many others that were similar to it.

"Welcome to your new home guys," My dad said to us as he pulled into the driveway of the house.


Hey! So sorry this is quite a boring chapter but i thought i'd just kinda give a short back story and intro to the story, and I know this has mistakes but bare with me. Also, I know Brad and none of the other boys are in it so far, but trust me they'll definitely be in it soon! Xxx

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