Chapter 2

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Casie's POV

I found out my bedroom was on the second floor of the house and it wasn't very big, but it could fit my bed and desk so what else would i need really? The movers fit my bed in between two narrow walls so that it fit snugly in the corner of the room under one of the windows that faced the neighbors house. When all my furniture was finally set up I began to put my posters and other decorations up in my new room. While setting everything up I heard some music coming from next door through the window. The voice sounded like an angel and I was so mesmerized that I didn't even realize that I had stopped what I was doing to listen more intently on the beautiful music coming in through the window. I quickly regained my focus and finished getting my room into place so I decided I would just go out for a walk to take in my new surroundings. 

"Mom, Dad! I'm going out for a walk around the area!" I shouted as I was about to walk out the front door.

"Okay sweetie, but be back in a half hour because we invited the neighbors next door to come over  for dinner tonight so that we can get to know each other a bit more!" I heard my mom yell back from what I think was the kitchen.

I shut the door behind me and made my way down the block. It turns out there is a park close by so I just walked there and found a nice shady spot under the tree to read my all time favorite book, The Fault in Our Stars. I've probably read it over fifty times, but every time I read it I just fall in love with the characters and story all over again. When I was in the middle of the part where Isaac is smashing all of Augustus' basketball trophies I fell my phone buzz in the pocket of my faded skinny jeans. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw I had a text from my mom.

From: Mom

Casie! Where are you?! The neighbors are going to be over in ten minutes! I told you to be home twenty minutes ago so you had time to get ready! Get home...NOW!

I guess the time escaped me when I was sat under the tree reading, so I rushed home as fast as I could so I could try to make myself look at least presentable. I made it home in under five minutes because the park was only just down the street. I ran up to my room and took my shoulder length brown hair out of its current ponytail and quickly brushed through it leaving it in it's natural state. I then moved onto my makeup which I just applied my usual concealer, foundation, mascara, and eyeliner. Then, I quickly tried to throw an outfit together. I grabbed my gray and black striped sweater, black beanie, and black combat boots and put them on with my jeans. Finally, I was putting in my contacts when I heard a knock on the front door so I went down to open the door. I put a smile on and opened the door to be face to face with a man and woman with food in each of their hands and a friendly looking girl.

"Hello! I'm Derek and this is my wife Anne-Marie and our daughter Natalie. We're the Simpsons, and we live next door." The man said while pointing to the house to the left of mine.

"Oh hi, nice to meet you! I'm Casie, please come in my mom and dad should just be in the kitchen." I said back pointing down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Thank you Casie. Oh, would mind waiting? Our son should be over any minute, he's just running a little late." Anne-Marie asked me politely.

"Of course! No problem at all." I replied back.

She said thanks to me again and then disappeared down the hall to catch up with the rest of her family and my parents in the kitchen. I was going to quickly run up to my room to plug my phone into the charger, but there was another knock on the door. I turned around and went to open the door again. When I opened it this time I froze because I was met with the most stunning boy I've ever seen in my life. He had curly brown hair and deep brown eyes and his smile made me melt inside. 

"Hi, I'm Brad. You must be our new neighbors. Lovely to meet you." He said with the most adorable accent and that gorgeous smile on his face.

I wanted to speak, but I just couldn't form any words in my mouth. Wow! I don't even know this boy, and he's already leaving me speechless.


Two updates today because i just thought it needed a bit more so it wasn't so boring! Brad is in the story now! WOO! I've also added a picture of the outfit on the side. :)Xxx

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