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i feel empty.

i know, it sounds edgy, but i do.

i feel as if nothing phases me anymore.

i could be called a fat pig and it wouldn't upset me.

ugh, when are you coming back? i'm bored without you.

i can't watch movies or tv shows or play board games alone, you know.

okay, i'll admit, i tried to play a board game alone once and i ended up beating myself.

it's not as satisfying as when you beat someone else in the game though.

goes to show how lonely i am without you, huh?

goes to show how badly i need you to come back and save me from this walking hell called earth.

damn you, you haven't told me when you're coming back.

everyday it feels a little bit harder to be okay.

do you understand that?

not even sure if you do.

just, come back and we'll have a talk about life.

talk about anything you want.

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