Chapter 2 (A New Beginning)

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I arrived in Chicago hopping to start a new life and leave all the bad memories behind. I stepped off the plane ready for a new beginning. Gosh Chicago was beautiful. Now I had to go search for some apartments and a job, but first imma stop by Mcdonalds cause airplane food was'nt cuttin it. While at Mcdonalds i found an apartment in the newspapers I called up the landlord and said to stop by and see if i liked it. When i got there it was perfect two bedroom one bathroom and a large living room and kitchen. It's perfect i said, alright i just need a down payment and first months rent and you're all set Charles, (the landlord) said. Next i went to purchase furniture i purchased a nice living room and bedroom set and was set to come the next day. I arrived home tired but happy things are finally going to change to for me.

The next day I had to wake up early to go job hunting. I got up did the hygene thing and Starbucks to get some breakfast. Then went around giving my resume to all the clothing and shoe stores. Later that day i got a call from footlocker asking if i could start tommrow. Of course, i said, after i hung up i got up and did my happy dance. I went straight to sleep after cause i needed my rest for work. Next morning i wasted no time getting to work early.

My first day was so far going good. I've kinda miss Georgia, but my mom, I certainly dont't miss. Well I can say I miss her a little. Then somebody distract me from my thoughs. As I looked up I see a carmel skin toned boy probably the age of 20."How may I help you?"  "Do you have any size 10 for these Infrared 3?" The man questioned me. "Umm lemme go check." While I went to the back to go look for his size I was in thoughts. Whats his name? Is he single? All these question ran through my mind while I was in the back looking for size 10. When i came back I gave him the shoes and he tried it on. "I'll take it!" "Ight." I made my way to the cashier and he followed after me. "That will be $150. He gave me the money then slipped me a paper on my hand. " Whats this?" "My number, you to cute to be working here " I blushed. "Call me tonight" he yelled walking out the store.


That girl cute i hope she call me tonight so i can tell her wassup. As my girlfriend walked in she stopped me from my thoughts. "Hey Bae" Mya called out "Wassup" I responded plainly. "Andre can I borrow 5gs" She went straight to the point. "Why the hell you asking me for money when you just got from work DUMB BITCH GET OUT MY FACE WITH THAT SHIT. "I snapped as she came closer with her arms open and her eyes red. "Baby dont.... Please dont " As she began to cry I felt bad for my words. I know I was wrong but sometimes her ass be so fucking annoying.She just came from work asking me from money. Im starting to think she dont work, I think she fucking around. Usually a  legal job your paycheck comes every week. Oh no now I got a couple of question for her. "Mya sit down man" As she sat next to me she look like a little 6 years old with her puppy face on. "Mya baby look at me. Do you work forreal or you just tell me you work so you can go fuck around? Keep it 1hun. It took a while til she decided to answer. " Well I did work until I lost my job 3 months ago... ..As she trailed off I knew something was up. " Man get to the point or get the fuck out" I said sternly "But while I was on my way to come home the day I lost my job I ment some boy in the parking lot. We exchanged numbers then I would always go to his house and chill and........ we fuck with no protection so im pregnant and I want an abortion because I wanna have your baby and only yours" As she tried to touch me and confornt me it made me madder I swear if she wasnt my girl I wouldve fuck her up. "Bitch dont be making up this sweet talk shit after you done lied to me girl pack your bags im taking you to his house you aint living with me nomore." The fuck Mya thought this shit was i aint fucking sleeping in the same bed as a girl thats been lying for 3 months and then get pregnant by some boy and have fucking balls to ask me for money so she can get an abortion. Goofy hoes. Mya just sat there looking stupid. She must have not heard me. "PACK YOUR BAGS YOU CANT STAY HERE NOMORE!" I didnt know how to explain to you baby please dont let me leave your side. I promise I will stop seeing him from now on. " Ma look you lied to me I dont know how to be any nicer you. " Baby just hear me out I know I fucked up for not telling you but it was never the time and place for it" She replied which was true. " Ima be nice and let your ass sleep in the fucking guest room since i pay bills round here". "Thanks". "Goodnight" I dismissed her and went right to sleep.

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