Chapter 7 - Oh Hello

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When I got home Emmett kept bugging me about going to Bella's house. I knew I had to take him there. I hated the way I promised Emmett things. He never forgot anything thing, damn vampire memory. Sometimes I wish he would just 'forget' about things like a good brother. I'm sure Bella would be really embarrassed if there were photos of her sleeping being shown to the class.

Time seems to go too fast when you are dreading things. It was around midnight and Emmett wasn't going to take my stalling excuse any longer. He really knew how to piss me off. I guess he didn't mean to but I hated myself for letting him come into Bella's house. Not that I should really be going there either...

"Okay Emmett are you ready?" I asked as we stood outside of Bella's house.

"I was re-born ready. Dude come on!" Emmett scaled the building and was through Bella's bedroom window in a few seconds. I sighed as I followed him. He had already been taking photos of Bella earlier in class. He went to the back of the room, left Bella talking to Mike and Jessica, and just started taking photos. The crazy thing is no one even noticed him moving, teenagers can be so oblivious sometimes.

"I don't know why you're picking Bella for this homework." I whispered leaning against Bella's dresser.

"Hmm...Maybe because I knew someone who could get me into her room without fail. Look man, any other human and I would fail you know that." Emmett said leaning down by Bella's bed to take a photo of her. She looked so peaceful, I wanted so badly to lie next to her but I knew Emmett would never let me live that down.

"Why didn't you pick Rose? At least that way we would seem more human."

"Yeah well I don't roll that way. Besides, the last time Rosalie was in front of the camera she never left the front of the camera. You know she gets obsessive like that. Maybe she gets that from you."

"I'm sure she does." I rolled my eyes. "Just hurry up okay? I feel like something or someone is coming." I shivered at the thought of someone else coming up through Bella's window. Maybe I should suggest to her that she sleep with the window closed at night.

"Please we can take it on." Emmett stood up and took a few more pictures. "Half of these are for you, you know that?"

"Thanks Emmett but if I wanted pictures I would've gotten them long ago."

"I know but maybe you've been scared to. I'm just doing what I think is right."

"On what level is this right?" I struggled to keep my voice down. Bella turned in her sleep and reached out for someone or something that wasn't there.

"Edward," Bella mumbled in her sleep, her hand still searching for something.

"Eddie she likes you!" Emmett smiled.

"Maybe," I smiled at my idiot brother but inside I was dancing with joy. She liked me, she thought about me, she even dreamed about me.

Suddenly I froze and turned my head toward the window. Oh no.

Bella's house has to be so far away from mine doesn't it? Aw well, as long as I get the pictures I should be okay. I know I shouldn't be here because her dad would KILL ME if he knew but I just want to make sure I can get the pictures without her knowing. That's what a good stalker would do.

"Damn it, Emmett we have to go."


"We have another visitor."

To illustrate my point there was the sound of branches rustling outside the window. Emmett walked toward the window taking in the sight of Mike in the tree and burst out laughing. I almost gagged him as I looked toward Bella's bed – she was still asleep.

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