Tagged Again :P

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So Annie_Oaklie and _Nerdy_Panda_Lover_ so here we go XD

1. Favourite anime quote?

You don't die for your friends, you live for them!

2. Favourite Movie?

Hmmm...No idea XD MAYBE the croods?

3. Favourite Song?

Um...again, no idea XD I only like older songs that came out before probably 2016 and stuffs. Their all about s** and a bunch of raps and BLE

But maybe Fireflies or something ;-; I only listen to anime and Vocaloid so yeah ( My favourite Vocaloid song is 'A Tale Of 6 Trillion Years and One Night ) XD

4. Favourite TV Show?

Non anime would have to be Gravity Falls.

5. Home Wallpaper?

 Home Wallpaper?

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When you swipe it changes so yeah ClXD I got a Naruro theme and I love it!

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When you swipe it changes so yeah ClXD I got a Naruro theme and I love it!

6. Favourite Animal and Why?

Um...I guess I like bunnys? Maybe a lion or a foxes or something :P also, bunnys are adorable and lions and foxes are just really cool :P

7. Favourite Mythical Creature


8. Favourite Food?


9. Your Middle Name?

Luisa Tatania ( Yeah I got 2 )

10. Your Favourite Book Chatacter?

I guess Letty from the 'Our Australian Girls' series ( dont judge me history is fun )

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