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This isn't love moody.If you loved me you wouldn't treat me the way you do.You don't love me and I think it's best if we just go our separate ways now.

I reread over the text for the millionth time now and it didn't seem right. How do you tell the person you were once in love with that you no longer feel loved. I shut my eyes tight as I pressed the arrow sending the message that would break everything I wanted.Something I thought needed. I tossed my phone on the other side of the bed and threw my body back on the bed gripping the covers tighter. I began to panic in my head.What if she doesn't take it the right way? What if she doesn't care? What if she tries to make me stay? What if I stay? What if I leave her then go crawling right back? I can't just let her go. She's the only person that ever made me happy. And here I am, potentially breaking her heart I have to fix this. I slowly sat up in the bed and starred at my phone feeling regret rushing through my body. "I have to fix this.." I mumble to myself as I unlocked my phone, The screen displaying me and Moody's messages. I bite my lip as I read the message.It didn't feel right because it's not right. I need her.I want her. I closed my eyes and sigh, What if she never wants to be with me again? I opened my eyes and saw the worst thing I could ever imagine in this exact moment.
  Moody had read the message and was currently typing. I starred at the 3 dots. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO STORM?! My inner voice screamed at me . I sat and starred at the 3 dots for what seem like forever waiting to see her response. I had already planned out my apology and how I was gonna make this up to her. All I needed was for her to do was respond. So I can fix what I had broken. But she never did respond. The 3 Dots disappeared and the read went back to a delivered. For a moment I began to think I was seeing things. Did she even open the message? Maybe I was over thinking and just needed to get everything off of my chest. So I laid back down in the bed holding the phone up and began to spill my heart to the one who broke it. Look moody..I love you ok..And I'm not sure if you feel the same way or not..I love you with everything in me and I'm to afraid to lose you..I need you. Your my everything.. I know what I said earlier and I know it might all be confusing..Can you just come over so we can ta-

The loud noise of glass hitting the floor made me jump. I looked around in the darkness. My breath hitch as I heard another glass hit the floor. I slowly sat up in my bed to search for something in the darkness. I heard steps making its way to my room and I covered my mouth trying to calm myself. I looked down at my phone at the time-4:10a.m-. I slowly dragged myself out of the bed and walked over to my room door. The steps were coming closer. Letting fear take over me, I stopped in my tracks. I stood in the darkness with my hand covering my mouth. The steps got closer and more clearer.
     There was a hard knock on the door that sent a chill up my spine."STORM OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" The voice shouted through the house.The voice belonging to Moody. My eye grew wide as I slowly moved my hand from my mouth, Feeling relief rush through my body. I blind walked to my dresser and turned on my pink lamp. I fixed myself quickly and walked to the door. I took a deep breath as I placed my hand on the knob. I opened the door and smiled looking at Moody,Who didn't seem to happy. " H-Hi baby!" I said trying to seem as normal as possible, Even I can sense the false Happiness in my voice. I stared into Moody's eyes and didn't see anything starring back. Yes Moody was standing in front of me.But I didn't see what I once I saw before. She stood there in silence just starring at me. The awkward starring game began to bother me so I broke the hard stare and moved in for a hug, only to be pushed away by Moody. " What's wrong baby?" I said legit hurt by the action. "What was that shit you texted me all about?" So..she did read the message. " Look..moody.. it was-" "Nah bro..ion wanna hear none of that shit.." " Moody..just please listen baby..i..We" "Storm are you fucking around? That's what all this shit about...You fucking around." I stood there in complete shock..I can't believe what she was saying..I stood there and continue to look into the empty eyes, trying to find what once stayed there..love. "I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION..I SAID ARE YOU FUCKING ON SOMEONE ELSE?" Moody screamed moving closer, Now only a few inches away I could smell the liquor on her breath. "Moody..it's not like that..I l-" My body was pushed back by a strong force making me stumble back and hitting my leg on my chair. Moody began to walk closer to me, Anger Sensing off her. She grabbed my chin making me look up at her. I began to tear up from the pressure on my face. " I knew you was a hoe." She said as she starred into my eyes..And I finally something..The monster that replaced my girlfriend. " moody..you need to leave." I said as I slowly stood from the bed being face to almost face with her now. "you need to leave moody.. I'm not playing." I said trying to stand my ground but under her I always seemed small. " if you want me to leave.. move me." She said as she moved closer to me pressing her body closer to me,closing the small gap we had between us. I starred into her eyes and got lost. She snaked her arms around my waist pulling our bodies closer together as we stood. " L-let me go moody.." I said trying to get out of hold, only making her grip tighter. " You really don't want me to go.." she said as she leaned in kissing me slowly. I tried to fight off the butterflies..I didn't want this right now..but I needed it. I gave in and slowly began to kiss back,she smirked knowing that she had won me over. I slowly closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her neck loosely. She let my waist go and I whimpered softly missing the tight grip on my body. " Lay on the bed " Her voice became demanding and husky. I bite my lip slowly and slowly laid back in the bed. Her eyes examined my body,claiming what was her with only her eyes. She began to strip herself slowly starting in her jacket and ending up left with her boxers and sports bra. She Climbed on me pressing our bodies together. " I want you storm.." She whispered as she looked into my eyes. I looked back but didn't see anything..This is what we were becoming..Sex..Sex and arguments. She began to suck on my neck and I laughed, being the childish person i am. I could feel her smirk as her kisses got lower. " M-moody..We can't My parents..Are coming h-home." She sat up and slowly lifted my shirt., Without hesitation my hands covered the " baby" fat that never went away. I looked away so she couldn't see the shame in my eyes. " Storm ..." I heard her call out but I didn't turn my head. I pressed my hands into my stomach, I shut my eyes trying to avoid her hard stare. " Storm move your fucking hands right now.." She demanded catching My attention. I turned my head quickly and looked over At her as I slide My hands off of my stomach. Her eyes slowly left mines as she starred down At my stomach. I forced myself not to cover my eyes with my hands,knowing she wasn't to pleased with my previous actions. " Your so beautiful baby.." she said, her eyes never leaving my stomach. I could feel a smile coming but I denied it..She couldn't know she was making me happy. She moved down my body slowly leaving a long track of Small kisses, Sending tingles throughout my body. I stared up at the ceiling as I felt my shorts being pulled to my ankles. " Your so Wet baby" She stated looking up at me then moving her attention on my black panties covering what was her. I peaked down at her and her focus on me was so intense that I nearly melted under her. She starred into my eyes as she looped her fingers on panties and slowly dragged them down, The cold air hitting my womanhood making me tense up. " Calm down baby.. I didn't even do shit yet. " she chuckled to herself shaking her head. I starred back up at the ceiling, This wasn't my first time but she always made me feel like it. I spread my legs a little bit wider and gripped the covers preparing myself. " Ready ?" She said looking at me, I guess looking for something that but I couldn't tell what. I just looked back up at the ceiling nodding my head. She kissed on my inner thighs teasing me gripping my legs tighter to keep me from moving. "M-moody..We shouldn't..my par-" I was cut off by me taking in a deep breath as her silk tongue began to lick on my hard clit. I looked down at her, our eyes meeting. I moan softly slowly gliding my hands up my body, landing on my breast. I began to twist and pull on my hard nipple as i watched her feast on my other set of lips as if it where her last meal. "M-moody..ohhhhh..." I screamed out as she began to do tricks with her tongue hitting my g-spot repeatedly. She looked up at me, our eyes never leaving each other. I broke the stare by rolling my eyes to the back due to Moody shoving 2 fingers inside of me. Things got quite as Moody let me get use to the new feeling, I gripped Moody's left hand that rested on my leg. " Are you ok princess?" Her voice now soothing, I nod my head to baffled to talk. She kissed on my stomach to relax my nerves as she slowly pumped her fingers inside of me.
" Ah...FUCKKK-" Moody blocked out My screams with her hand, I bite my lip under her hand to control my screams. She began to leave light kisses near my belly button as her fingers explore inside of me. " M-moody.. ugh fuck I love you " I muffled through her hand and once again things paused. We never said it..Well she never said it, so I never did. I slowly sat up in the bed and starred down at her, she starred back and I couldn't sense what she was thinking, I just hope I didn't mess things up. She slowly removed her fingers and sat up, I followed feeling an sudden uneasy feeling. " I-I'm sorry.. I was just caught up in a moment and it slipped out." I lied. We've been together for 8 months, but known each other since I was 3, She was 5. Over these years the feelings I had for Moody has grown so big to where the point I can't deny or ignore them. She became an important aspect of My life and I can't deny that..She plays a huge role in my life and in everything thing I do. " I love you too.." Moody said as she looked down at the bed, I'm guessing afraid to face her feelings. I felt as though the wind was knocked out of me as I starred at her. I removed the cover from over me as I crawled over to her, I sat in front of her and took in her features, her beautiful features. I slowly lifted her chin up and looked into her eyes, Not knowing what to say I just leaned in and kisses her slowly. Letting my lips express what I couldn't, it took her a few seconds to loosen up. Even as she kissed me back I could still feel how tense she was. She pulled me into her lap and rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead as I slowly rubbed her back. " let's lay down." She slowly laid back in the bed, pulling me on top of her. I rested my head on her Chest as I listened to her heart beat. This was perfect, I missed this. I missed us..the us that was happy. Lately it's been feeling like we were falling off, I know I shouldn't be with her.. I know she hurts me, she lies, cheats and sometime can become to aggressive but it's something about her that I can't let go. The sound of Her heartbeat and her heavy breathing slowly pushed me into sleep. As I closed my eyes I began to wonder.. Does love suppose to feel like this? Like I'm running down a road blindfolded chasing something I'm not sure that's even there? Maybe she isn't here..Physically she's here but emotionally she isn't.. Maybe I'm just a quick fuck.. Maybe she doesn't love me. I shut my eyes quickly trying to push these thoughts for another night. " I love you moody " I whispered more to myself than her. Before I could slowly drift off to sleep, Moody's phone rung. I tried to ignore it and keep my eyes closed but it kept ringing. I peeked over at the clock " 5:33 a.m" " Who the hell could be calling right now?" I slowly reached over and began to blind touch on the floor until i felt her phone. I looked back at her, seeing she was peacefully sleep. I glanced at the phone, Touching the home button to view the notifications. 33 missed calls and 12 messages from a unknown number. " Babyyy" " I miss you daddy 😩" " Cum over I need you " i looked over at moody and shook my head. I knew she cheated.. so I don't know why I'm so hurt. Before I could unlock the phone I heard Moody's voice.

" What the fuck are you doing ?"

Still in shock as I looked over at the once sound asleep Moody to A fully alert angry moody. I looked at the phone then at her. I could feel my blood heating up as I started at her, She starred at me like I was wrong.. like I fucked up. Like it's my fault. I can't continue to take this blame for something I can't control. " Who the fuck is this calling and texting you ? " the words spilled from my mouth before I could catch it...Moody looked at me in shock. Never once have I gotten big with her..But enough is enough. " Dawg give me my shit..." She asked as launched for the phone, without hesitation I jerked back and starred at messages. " CUM OVER I NEED YOU ?" " DADDY I MISS YOU ?" " WHO THE FUCK IS THIS CALLING AND TEXTING YOU AT THIS TIME INNA MORNING ?" I couldn't control it the more I read the messages the more I felt hurt. The more I realized that I was just a quick fuck and not her girlfriend.
" YOU NEED TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND GIVE ME MY SHIT." She said now arising from the bed. When she walked closer, I moved back until my back hit my pink wall. Her hand meet my neck before I could shoot back at her. Ever second seemed closer to my death as tears began to cloud my eyes. I dropped the phone and she let me go. I fell to the ground as I gasped for air, she picked up the phone and read the messages. I watched her for any signs of guilt and none showed. Even through my tears eyes I could see that smirk.. that smirk showed what I really mean to her. " I'm out." She said bluntly picking up her discarded clothes off the floor and getting dressed piece by piece. I regained my strength and slowly stood. She was leaving here without a fight .. or at least without knowing what I was feeling. Not again. " You know Moody .. I stuck by you . I was the only one there for you . When you needed help, I was the only person that answered the phone. Spending my money to bail you out.. I was there when no one else was..How could you even think about hurting me? I love you more than I love myself and Thats still not enough for you. I have nothing else to give you because you have my all.. " the word vomit continued until she was fully dressed. Before she walked out of my room she stopped in front of me. Her tall framed towering over me, But I didn't feel like shrinking anymore. " The only thing about it is.. Ha pussy better than yours." She whispered into my ear than walked away laughing. I followed her out to the stair case, slowly I began to wonder how bad she would hurt if I "accidentally " pushed her down. " If you leave.. Don't you come back! You hear me.. Don't you come back here! " She walked down the stairs and grabbed her jacket. She looked back at me once and smirk then slammed the door. Gone..She actually left you. Why do you continue to chase her? She doesn't love you anymore.
" Storm? Why are you up at this time? " mother's voice caught my attention from the door. I quickly wiped my tears away and turned to face her. " I thought I heard something down here .. that's all. " I chocked up my hurt and tried to act innocent. Mother walked closer to the stair case and peeked down. " I don't think it's anything hun ..You can come sleep in my bed if your scared. " she kissed my forehead than walked back to her room. The thing about me and mom, where like Best Friends.. we tell eachother everything.. well at least everything. She doesn't know about Moody and I..My mom knows that I'm gay and she's fine with it. I'm just afraid that she won't accept Moody .. especially if she knew what was happening between us. I shuffled back to my room and quickly washed up, putting another set of pjs on. I walked to My moms room, Since she was already half way asleep I quietly crawled into bed. I laid next to her and the scent of Strawberries welcomed me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep faster than I expected. Dreaming of what me and Moody could have been.

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