Chapter 2

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Dan's POV

I sighed out as I sat in the back seat of Mr. Lester's car. I had only said about two words total to him. And that was 'Hello' and 'okay'. Adrain kept looking at me worried. I felt so terrible. My poor brother now was an orphan. Oddly enough I felt like it was all my fault. But it wasn't. Yet I felt as if it was. I leaned my head against the window, putting my earbuds in and turning on my Muse playlist. I wasn't a social person to begin with and I sure as hell wasn't about to talk to some man who wanted to be my foster dad. What if he wanted to adopt me and Adrian? He'll never by MY dad. No one can replace James Howell. My dad... No one on this planet could ever replace my mother either, Tammy Howell.

My father was an amazing man. He loved me and Adrian and would do anything to keep us happy, healthy and well... alive. He would fight anything that made us cry. I had so many memories of when I was little and would cry over 'monsters' in the dark, he would go chase them away so I could sleep peacefully. As I grew older he helped me when I was scared. When he found out about me being bisexual he didn't flip out like I had expected. He actually was really accepting. He had brown hair that was really straight and perfect hazel eyes, just like Adrian. When he would smile he had a dimple placed perfectly on his cheek. And he was about 6'2. I got my hieght from my dad I suppose.

My mother was a stay at home mum. She loved us with all her heart. She would do anything for us. She always said she would die for us if she had to. When I came out to her, we would talk about cute boys in animes and such. We would always bake on Fridays and by Monday, the sweets would be long gone. She never yelled. I didn't think it was possible to be honest. Her voice was always soft and gentle. It was so welcoming and anyone would be lucky to hear that voice everyday. My mum hair curly brown hair that came to her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown. And her smile was so soft and sweet.

My parents were perfect. I felt bad for wanting things really. Because Adrain and I were probably one of the luckiest boys on this planet. Our parents never seems to get mad. They cared for us. Made sure we were fed, bathed, clothed and had a roof over our heads. My dad knew how much I needed my phone so he made sure to always keep money for that. Hell even their looks seemed perfect. They never deserved to die... I did. I'm just a needy piece of shit who takes up space. The Lester family has no idea what they've just done. They're fostering a monster. A freak.

As I was zoned out the car pulled into a driveway. The house was white with a deep blue roof. It was clean and pretty. I sighed out, hearing car doors open then close. Mr Lester looked at me. "Daniel, would you like to come in?" I shook my head and continued to look out the window.

Soon enough he had left with Adrian, going inside what was now supposed to be our perfect home. Bull shit. This place... will never be my home. I am a Howell. Not a Lester. I don't belong here and neither does Adrian. But he's only 12 and needs a loving mother and father figure in his life. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through twitter. I heard the door beside me open and soon someone had sat beside me. He told me his name was Phil.

I glanced at him and holy fucking shit I think my heart just stopped. His hair was striking black and cut into a fringe going to the right. It complimented his pale ghost like skin. It was perfect, I swear if he was shirtless wings would be sprouted from his back and he'd have a halo. He was that fucking gorgeous. I looked back at my phone, zoning out in my thoughts again.

Eventually I noticed he had left. I sighed, deciding I should go get settled in and maybe sleep for a bit. I got out of the car and walked inside. Mrs and Mr Lester tried talking to me but I brushed them off and headed for the stairs. I saw Phil and bit my lip. I asked where my room was and he took me there. I assumed we were sharing a room. I cringed at all the colour. I swear the boy didn't own one thing black other than his hair. And maybe a muse poster and death note.

Eventually I looked at him, our eyes meeting. Holy shit. How do I even discribe the beauty within his eyes like wow. They were blue. But not just blue. They were fucking gorgeous. They looked like perfectly clear blue ocean water that you would find on the coast of Australia or some shit. They had specks of green in them and seemed to shine with a child-like glow. Eventually I looked away and went to my bags. I found my llama hat that my mother had bought for me when I was like 12 and my black and grey duvet. Then I moved and laid down, putting music on. Soon I got lost in my thoughts, laying there and crying softly. Falling into a deep sleep, dreaming of memories with my perfect family. 

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