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I love Shawn sooo much! We have been together for 5 months everything has been amazing.

I'm Stephanie, 18 about to go to college. I love filming so I'm thinking NYU. I haven't told Shawn, I'll tell him if I get in.

Tonight we were going on a date. It's been a month because he was on tour but now he comes home.

I am his top supporter for his career. I know it means so much to him. He is amazing, so I would never ruin it for myself.

Me and Shawn went to a hotel for the night. First was a fun movie then just hang out.

The night was delightful. I haven't had this good of a time in a while.

Shawn layed next to me, as I rested my head on his chest. His heart beat was slow and peaceful.

I rolled on top of him starting to kiss him. His arms pulled me closer. My hand ran through his hair tugging a little.

"I love you!" He whispered before we connected our lips again.

That night I gave myself to him for the first time. The night was filled with lust and desire.

I woke up feeling sick. So I ran to the bathroom throwing up. Luckily Shawn didn't get woken up.

I sat on the couch watching some TV. Later Shawn woke up hungry, so was I. We got some food from down stairs.

I had some weird cravings for kiwi. I don't normally eat that.

"This is so good! I should eat it more!" Shawn laughed.

"I told you Steph, but you would never eat it." I held his hand.

For the next few days Shawn has been at work late. He has been a little distant. I didn't like it, but it was for his career so I didn't whine.

I've been having morning sickness and those weird cravings. So I finally decided to get a pregnancy test.

I waited intensely in the bathroom. It was ready, I checked it and it said I was pregnant. With Shawns baby.

This was so nerv racking, but exciting at the same time. I was going to wait a little.

After another week passed Shawn was at work and I was going to surprise tell him.

I showed up and they told me he was in the private studio. My legs pushed me in there even though I was so nervous.

There I saw Shawn and some other girl making out intensely. They broke and Shawn looked shocked to see me.

I ran out as fast as I could. I heard him call after me, but I didn't stop. The car started up quickly and I sped out.

At home I packed as much as I could. About to leave the door slammed open.

Shawn had guilt in his eyes. But there was also sadness.

"W-what, no, please don't leave. It was an accident... Baby please. I love you so much!" He rubbed my cheek, but I pushed away.

"I'm leaving Shawn. You carry on with your career and I'll carry on with my life. It will be a lot better for all of us, you can be free and kiss any girl you want." I walked but Shawn didn't let me last the door.

"No, no Steph! I swear nothing will be better without you. Don't go! Do u still love me?" I gulped hard, of course I still loved him.

"Um, n-no..." I needed my baby to have the best life. Not to live with me and Shawn like this.

He looked hurt and heartbroken. But finally he let me go. So I started my car, looked at him one last time.

6 years later:

Kayla ran to me after washing he hands for lunch.

Yes, I had my baby Kayla. Shawn always called me everyday 2 times but I never answer. He has a schedule of doing that now.

I really miss him. Kayla has his lazy eye and white teeth smile. She has my long brown hair.

He always say online that he'll find me. He tells all his fans to have a look out for me.

I'm so proud of him now though. He has been sooo successful.

I have to try and stay clear of everyone because he has even shared pics of me to everyone. I cut my hair short.

The TV turned on and Shawn appeared on the screen. His new song There's Nothing Holdin me back just came out. I love it so much.

I told Kayla that she has a dad. But he worked in a secret job so we can't see him. I put up many pictures of me and Shawn. One of just him, so I could show Kayla what he looks like.

We had to get groceries, so me and Kayla drove over to Stop n' Shop.

We got some milk. Then appeared a really familiar man. I realized a second to late that it was Shawn.

He started my way, but I tryed to stroll away. Shawn caught my shoulder.

"Steph?" I took a long breath, then nodded.

"Oh my... you cut your hair! Who is this?" He smiled at Kayla.

"Kayla, my daughter... um, I have somewhere to be so I need to go." I started to walk away but Shawn stopped me again.

"Wait, wait don't leave me again... why does Kayla seem familiar?"
My ran my hand through my hair.

"I don't know."

"Don't lie, I know you are."

"I'm not."

"She's mine isn't she?"

"No! She will never be yours. You left her with no father!" I was getting really mad.

"Daddy?" Kayla recognized him from all the photos probably.

"I knew it! Steph why didn't you tell me?"

"Because... I'm leaving Shawn!" I started walking fast. Of course Shawn caught up.

"No you need to give me an explanation! You are not leaving me again. These last year's have been miserable with out you! Steph I love you!" Shawn smashed his lips onto mine.

I kissed back with out hesitation. He broke it looking surprised.

"Shawn, I didn't tell you because when I found out I waited a week. Then that day I came to the studio to surprise you until I saw you..." a tear escaped.

"Baby, don't cry. I swear I will never do that again. You are my true love and my priority. Never leave me again." I snuggled my head into his neck as we hugged for a long time.

Kayla started laughing, making me remember she was here.

"Oh Kayla Baby girl!Meet Sha-Daddy." Shawn cryed happy tears playing with Kayla hair.

"She has you hair, beautiful! I love you girls so much!"

We all went home, finally as a family.
Hey! This story randomly popped in my mind, hope you like. Please rate and follow! Love you, byee! ❤❤

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