healing the pain

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I'm Alison, 17 years old. The last year has been hell for me! People have called me fat and so much worse.

My BEST friend Shawn Mendes was always there to support me. But it was never enough.

Depression sucked me up into it's cage. People say after you die some go to hell, well I'm already living in it.

I've had this routine than twice very week when I was at my worse. I would get my hidden knife in the bathroom and slice away.

Right now was my 8th time doing this. Sitting here in the bathroom with no worries, while cutting. The pain would turn into pleasure.

Blood spilled all over the floor. My vision became blurry, that's when a tall figure stood in the doorway.

Shawns P.O.V.
Alison was the love of my life. I'm Shawn Mendes her best friend. Yeah, I know why are you still friends if you love her.

Well I've never got the confidence to tell her. I feel like it might be ruined our friendship.

She has been going through a lot in the past year. I've tried to help her, but I could tell she needed someone more than me.

She needed someone to really love her. I was going to her house to tell her love her as more than a friend.

I was used to just letting myself in.

"Alison! I have to talk to you!"
No answer.

Then I heard a tell of pain.

"Alison your scaring me?!"
Another tell of pain came from the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh! Alison!"
Tears rushed out.

She had a knife in her hand. There was blood everywhere. What has she done! Oh no she must be doing this because she is depressed.

"Alison noo! Why did you do this?"

She layed there seeming lifeless. I checked if she had a heart beat, yes!

"Alison please stay alive! Hang in there baby." I called 911 and folded them my emergency.

"Pleeeassee! I need to tell you how I feel... I know I haven't been there enough, like loving you and holding you. I really wanted to kiss you so bad, cuddle with you so I could protect you. Alison I l-love you! I love so much it hurts. You mean so much to me please you can't leave me! Baby I love you."

My feelings were going crazy. I wouldn't be able to get through this. So singing would be my best choice.

"Sometimes it all gets a little too much.  But you gotta realize, that soon the fog will clear up. And you don't have to be afraid because we're all the same. And you know that sometimes it all gets a little too much..."

3 days later:
Alisons P.O.V.
I blinked a few times. Where was I, why was I not in my own bed.

Memories came back flooding in. The cuts, depression, but Shawn holding me telling me he loved me, and his singing.

He was the reason I didn't just give up. He helped me fight through to stay alive.

He made me realize I love him too. I loved him so much, but my sadness covered it all up. So I never realized or noticed.

Shawn was resting his head on my lap. So I ran my hand through his hair which woke him up.

"Hey..." Shawn whispered sheepily.

"Hi, I'm so sorry.. I heard you. Your singing and telling me your feelings. Shawn I love you. It's just I've been so sad I never got a chance to see that."

"It's not your fault I shoul-"

"No! You can't any fault for this. It was all my choice. Please..."

He looked my in the eyes, when his lips pressed against mine.

That's when I knew I would be happy again.
Hey!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated I'm really running out of ideas someone please help!❤❤

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