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The gas spreads swiftly and ever so gracefully towards the sparks of gas in the beige wall. The wall that held all my pictures of my beloved family photos, my selfies with friends, and one small frame of Rigby and I at the beach with his family. His arm was draped over my shoulders, my hand in the air  as ice cream dripped from his head down to the sandy shore below. Good times, but it's all over now, I'm going to lose everything. The gas reaches the sparking outlet and they clash, causing an explosion of flames to erupt from the wall. My parents and eight brothers push me from the line of fire as I started advancing towards them. Anguish washed over my frame as the flames secluded them in the orange, yet raging deadly fire. I scream out as a firefighter picks me up, careful not to hurt my wounds more than they already were. "Mama, Papa!" I scream, carried away from the terrific scene. Tears poured down my face, dampening my scorched fur. My tail hanging low while I cry out, the horrifying scene playing in my head on repeat. Torturing me, teasing me, teasing me out of pleasure.


I was now grown, living behind a café where Eileen, my cousin worked every day and every week. Working her tail off to help support her and her friend Margaret, her best friend since high school working by her side, supporting each other, they have a functional system. A woman drops a fifty dollar bill in front of me, pity in her eyes as she walks away. Shooting up from my spot on the concrete, I snatch the money from the ground, running into the café. Catching everyone's attention they all face my dirt filled fur I clear my throat. "Eileen, may I have fifty cents from this" I say holding up the bill I received from the lady a few minutes earlier this day. She doesn't recognize me by the look on her face. Yet she takes my money and does what I asked still confused. She hands the coins and money back to me and I whisper "My name is (Y/N)" into her ear before scampering off.


I jab the number into the pay phone and hold it to my ear waiting for a response, holding the other quarter in my hand. "Hello" a voice speaks up from the other side of the phone. "Hello, is Rigby there?" I ask, my voice hoarse from lack of speech. "This is Rigby" the same person says. I gasp and grip onto the blue booth. "Rigby! It's me! (Y/N)!" I yell coughing a little at the end. "(Y/N)! Where are you?" He asks excitement in his voice. "The old pay phone, outside the café" I say entering my other twenty-five cents. "I'm on my way" he says hanging up as I sit on the curb to wait.


Shortly later a golf cart pulls up in front of me, a blue jay driving the beat up cart. "Are you (Y/N)?" A raccoon asks, partially jumping from his seat. I cautiously nod my head, standing up, then it clicks. "Rigby!" I shout my four legs carrying me to him and I hug him. His head rests on me as he hugs back, his nose twitching as he sniffs me. I pull away and sniff his tail, making sure it's him. And he smelt like, pizza and grass? a scent I remembered since I was little. "Grizza" I say laughing at his familiar scent. He smiles and jumps into the white cart, scooting over he makes room for me. "I'm Mordecai" the blue jay says driving off. "(Y/N)" I say facing Rigby, we grip hands and slap each side of them. Our hand shake, the same one since we were five, he's only three days older than I am. "Yeah Ya!" we yell as Mordecai laughs and continues driving.


We pull into the park entrance and I see people working on at least something. "Do you guys work here?" I ask and Rigby nods as Mordecai speaks up. "Yeah...It's not much, but it's something" I nod and tell him. "I like it" and the cart abruptly comes to a stop making me fall forward. Landing on my face I stand up groaning, Mordecai flinches and makes a noise. I look at Rigby and he does the same "Your eye" he says. I turn to the rear view mirror and gasp. A purple bruise had creeped it's way onto my face, surrounding my eye. I touch it and immediately regret doing that, because it hurt. Just like the fire but with less pain I whimper and look at the two guys. They led me into the blue and white house where a gumball machine stood. A clipboard in his right hand, his glass face reddend with anger. "Where were you two!" he yelled making me jump back in shock. I gripped onto Rigby's wrist and hid behind him as they were yelled at. "Who is this" the gumball machine, Benson said annoyed. "(Y/N)" Rigby says still in front of me. "She starts work tomorrow morning" he says walking away and somewhere else.

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