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The man who rescued me looks down at my burnt form and sighs. "You poor, innocent young child" he says before speaking again "Sad, without a family, an orphan, a child, a sad time for anyone to endure" he says bandaging my bleeding wounds. And putting ointment on my burns. Making sure he patched me up he clasps his hands together. "Now we will ta-" he says put I don't hear him finish, my legs carry me as far away from that place as possible. I collapse on the sidewalk, the rain hitting my face I just lay there. Not caring as people look at me, and judge, because I am to depressed to care. That fire took everything, my family, my toys, my bed, my home, my everything. All I had was myself and that is all I needed to survive on my own. My own, all by myself, an krphan forever, my fate, living alone, in peace, silence, and poorness. No home, no family, nothing, nothing at all, except for myself, of course. The rain gradually worsens as people rush by, not noticing the girl in the middle of the sidewalk. The young, hopeless, crying, seven year old laying face first on the concrete path. A saddened child, sad and alone forever, no one knowing who she was. No one stopping to help a complete stranger, a child at the most. People these days, a grandma would say to her grandchildren someday.


I sit on the top step, Benson listing off jobs to people, Muscle Man's 'My Mom' jokes that get super annoying. My churning stomach, sneezing I wipe my nose with my arm. I see a fried egg flying at me. I scream as it hits my bruised eye and I get all itchy, I can hardly breathe. I fall over onto my back trying to get some air, struggling as my allergy affects me. Rigby sticks an epipen into my left arm. I take in gulps of air as I gasp out heavy breaths holding my chest. I eventually sit up after calming down and look at Rigby. "Thanks man" I thank him as I remove the epipen from my arm. The itch is still there, it will be for three days before it stops. Benson says my name and I look up to face him and away from my saviour. "(Y/N) are you okay to work?" the gumball machine asks and I nod his way.


"Are you sure your okay" Rigby asks for the hundreth time this morning. "Yes Rigby I'm fine" I reassure him while scratching my ear. His sighs and faces a customer taking his order I hand him a scrambled egg. Making me sneeze I quickly hand the egg over and wipe my nose. "Darn eggs" I say with a stuffy voice, holding my nose. "I'm always worried about you..." he mumbles lowering his voice. But my slightly advanced hearing picks it up. "Thanks Rigby" I say hugging him as he hugs back.


We sat down the next day, a friday night to be exact, ready to watch a movie. "I've got the popcorn" Mordecai says raising the bowl in the air. "I've got the movie" my best friend says showing us a movie. This particular movie was called 'Ello Gov'nor' a classic British horror movie from the '80's. My grandfather watched this movie every night before he was run over by a truck. A sad sad time, but he never loved me, he told me himself as I watched him die. "I thought we were watching Shy Guy" the blue jay says showing us the movie. A romantic-comedy from the '90's. A movie I watched a lot during my teen years, the years Rigby was my only male friend. One of my only friends for a long while. "Dude you've watched that a thousand times already" my raccoon friend tells us. I nod "So have I" I step into their argument "Fine" the blue bird gives in and Rigby inserts the black tape. I sit next to Rigby as he watches fear striking into his eyes. He hugs me and I stiffen for a split second before calming down at his touch. I watch as Mordecai falls asleep halfway through the movie. Drool leaking from his beak as he snores. 'The End' plays on the screen telling me it's over. "Mordecai wake up!" I yell throwing a pillow at him. "Huh, Wha-" he stammers shooting up from the couch and onto his feet. "Its over" I say dragging Rigby by the wrist up the stairs.


I was hit with a hard cover book and also a sweater from the other side of the room. I sit up and face the culprit to see Rigby standing on his trampoline. "What Rigby?" I ask rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Well I was wondering if I could sleep with you, just for tonight!" He says, his ears drooping down in embarrassment. I nod and scoot over "Sure" I say as he crawls on the bed. The blankets fall over us as he gets right up next to me, his back colliding with my left rib. I giggle quietly as his ears move in annoyance. I slightly yawn and take one last glance at the male before falling asleep. My tail resting on Rigby's side qnd his on my leg.

Raccoon Love | Rigby x Reader ~Discontinued~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ