Chapter Three

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I opened my eyes slowly as I reached up and wiped them clear, I wasn't sure why I was waking up right now but the way everything came rushing back to me made me feel dizzy, Abbigail and Wayne are siblings

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I opened my eyes slowly as I reached up and wiped them clear, I wasn't sure why I was waking up right now but the way everything came rushing back to me made me feel dizzy, Abbigail and Wayne are siblings. I frowned as I looked up to see I was laying beside a cot while sitting in a chair, did I fall asleep here? I sat up and stretched my back as I looked at Barry, he looked completely flushed as he laid with his chest slowly rising and falling, his lips were cracked and dry from the lack of moisture there and it seemed as if he had been laying there for a couple of days. I looked around us to see where exactly we were, the Medical Hut was mostly packed away with her belongings pushed the side so she could concentrate on making sure Barry was going to be okay. I turned back to look at Barry as he softly slept, his forehead was damp with a couple stands of hair sticking there, I reached up and gently brushed the waves of hair out of his face before leaning forward and lightly pecking his feverish cheek. I pulled away and lightly ran my finger the length of his jawline before pulling my hand away while the Medical Hut door opened suddenly. I turned to see who made their presence known, I couldn't stop the small smile that came to my face as Francis, Alexander, Alpha Barry, Alpha Darnell, Jacob, and even a couple of other people from the pack entered with small presence. I looked back at Barry as my eyes watered up at the sight of him, he looked so fragile and vulnerable but I was going to protect him, I hated seeing him like this. My love for Barry was one thing that was never going to fade away, I was going to love him for eternity and he knew it but I also knew he hated the idea of me being with someone else, loving someone else that would never love me back. What is love? I asked myself as I stared at Barry sleeping, I reached up again and pushed a couple of more strands out of his face as Stephanie came to his opposite side and laid a chilled towel on his forehead like I had done earlier.

"How are you feeling?" Stephanie asked, making me look up at her in confusion. "Wayne brought you here, he said you fainted."

I sighed and buried my face in my hands in embarrassment, I fainted in front of him and Barry passed out in front of me, what's going on with our bodies now? I looked at Barry and slowly nodded my head to let her know that I was okay, I wasn't worried about myself, I was worried about my real mate as he laid on the cot softly sleeping. I put my head on my hands while resting my elbows on the cot, I stared at his face longingly as the others gathered around the bed to set their presents nearby, I felt someone's hand gently touch my shoulder and looked up at Jacob as he looked at Barry with sadness flashing in his eyes. I looked at Barry as well as I saw him this way, as much as I said I hated him, I loved him. As much as I said I didn't need him, I wanted him. I wanted my man back, I wanted him to be my baby! I wanted my Barry to love me the way I loved him. A tear tickled down my cheek as I reached and grabbed his stiff hand, I pulled it to my mouth and gently pecked the back of him as Jacob's hand rubbed soothing circles on my back. I was going to be here for Barry like he was here for me when I was healing after giving birth to the triplets. The reminder made me smile as I stared down at my mate, he had visited me before his wedding to check on me, that had to mean something if not everything. He gave me the carnation flower the day of the ceremony. He refused to let Wayne take me away from him. He did all of those things because he loved me, even if he didn't want to admit it, Barry loved me. To know the pack had his back felt amazing, that meant I wasn't standing alone right now, I looked over at Francis as he gently rocked the triplets while they stared at the many people around them. Being two months old now, they were able to briefly hold their head up now and it was adorable watching them curiously look at people before lowering their heads back down. I smiled at him as I reached toward them, Fran immediately moved closer with Alexander following his every step. I took Sundai first and sat her on the pillow beside Barry as she tried to turn and look at the person she was laying beside, Fran sat Quincy on the other side of Barry's head and Admire on his chest lastly. I grabbed Barry's hand while hoping that he'd understand that the triplets and I were here for him, I gently caressed the back of his hand with my thumb as silence filled the room while everyone watched. Alpha Barry had taken a seat in a nearby chair and was staring at his son while Alpha Darnell stood behind the chair with his hands gently massaging Alpha Barry's sunken shoulders. I felt Barry's hand twitch as he shifted a little and finally his eyes slowly pulled open, he stared at the ceiling for a brief second before slowly leaning his head down to see Admire curled up asleep on his chest. I noticed the faint smile on his face as he looked to his right to find Quincy wide awake and cooing at the ceiling. I watched as Barry lastly turned to Sundai as she stared at him while gently cooing as well, I reached up and grabbed the warm towel from Barry's forehead and moved closer so he could look at me.

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