Chapter 2: Jolly Baron

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Sarah dragged the corpse through the woods on her hunting sled. The hard wood rattled under the heavy weight of her quarry. Sarah was quite proud of her skill. And of her catch.

The birch trees swayed in the cold wind of Sturmland. Shannon was a village close to Shadowhaven, and big enough to be on Lyssia's map. The Baron of their village, Baron Hardt the white bear, was a jolly and fair man, who knew when to fight and when to talk.

He favored Ryder, and considered the siblings as his children. His real children, Fredgid and Matthias, were good friends of the two. She grinned. Hardt would be happy for her as well.

As she approached the village, two hunting hounds ran up barking and yapping playfully. Sarah laughed. They looked like as if they were smiling.

Two more came running up soon after, and then some villagers took notice. One called back his hound, then congratulated her on her hunt. She smiled shyly and thanked him.  

"Sarah! You're back!" Called a boy. His gait was familiar, but still blurry. Then Sarah recognized him.

"Hi, Jack! What did I miss? Did wild rabbits attack the village while I was gone?" She asked with a smile. Jack chuckled. "Not a chance, and besides, the hounds would have eaten them all by now." He glanced at the sled and grinned.

"Nice catch." He remarked. It was a truly good kill, the buck was nice and young and healthy. His coat was still warm to the touch, and the meat was getting cold with all the Sturmish air.

Sarah smiled back. "Thanks. I'm going to show Ryder." Jack nodded and went on his way. Sarah yanked on her sled and it jerked forward. She dragged it all the way to the Guild lodge.

The Hunter's Lodge was a sight to behold. A large hall made of spruce and pine wood, with a huge hearth in the back. A storeroom was on the left, and four large and long feast tables were spread throughout the room in a row.

"Sister!" A huge voice bellowed. Sarah, startled, looked at the balcony to find her brother grinning uncontrollably. She chuckled.

"Hey, Ryder. I got a stag for dinner." She greeted. Ryder smiled again.

"You've improved greatly, Sarah." He congratulated. This time Sarah grinned.

"Thanks, brother. So, do I get a reward or something?" She looked to see if he was holding anything. Ryder laughed.

"Sadly, no. But, I guess the replacement for the reward is dinner. Let's go show Hardt." The

siblings dragged the sled out and to the Baron's

hall. His quarters were quite similar to the Hunter's Guild, except most of the large building was made of stone and some Sturmish steel at the roof supports. It looked like a castle from the outside, but the interior was quite cozy. Its layout was about the same as the Lodge's, except more rooms for beds and a kitchen.

Ryder politely left the sled by the gate and grabbed the stag by the legs and pulled it over his shoulders like a lamb.  He nodded to the guards stationed at the huge ice gates.

Sarah followed quietly behind and slipped through the doors. A soldier grinned as he saw the young girl slip through.

"Hardt!" Ryder shouted. The boy's voice echoed around the hall. The Baron's House had an inside balcony as well, and he came out. He laughed.

"Ryder, my boy!" He greeted. "What a fine catch! Don't mind splattering some of your own blood, do you?" Ryder shook his head.

"Baron, I didn't make this kill." He looked at Sarah. "My sister did." Baron Hardt shifted his glance to Sarah. He started to laugh and picked Sarah up by the hip. She grinned. The White Bear put her down. He ruffled her hair.

"Sarah! Impressive! How'd you do it? Knives or bow?" Ha asked. "Both, sir-" he cut her off with a wave of a hand. "Bah. No 'sir'. Call me Father or Baron." Sarah bobbed her head in apology. "I used both, Father. I weakened it with a bow then finished with my knives."

He smiled. "Fantastic! Brilliant! Our lone female hunter, my daughter, taking on a stag! I love it!" Hardy laughed. Sarah laughed, and Ryder joined in. This Baron was always happy.

Unless someone threatened their town.

If anything, or anyone came in like they owned the place, or an enemy of the King, he would get rid of it quicker than a rabbit. Through motivation, or force.

Sarah looked up as one of the Baron's children, Matthias, came booking down the stairs.

She pointed and whispered, "What has Matthias so perturbed?" Ryder shrugged. Hardt looked up and frowned a rare frown.

"What is it my boy? What has you startled?" He asked. When Matthias got to the bottom of the case, he gasped for breath and pointed a weak finger to the door.

"The Lionguard are here. But they're carrying torches. Many of them." Ryder paled and snarled. Baron Hardt grimaced and put his hand on Ryder's shoulder.

Ryder glared at him, the stag coming out slowly. Hardt sighed. He transformed as well, white fur growing and canines erupting. His hands grew into paws, and Sarah winced as she heard the bones cracking. The two werelords rushed outside.

Wereworld:Pack of Wolves-Wereworld FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora