Part 7: Dream Or Vision?

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Song: "Hold On"
/WAIT! Don't play the song yet!!! First off, I wanted to give a shout out to APHMAUCRAZYFAN and KawaiiDash following me! I'm going to write an extra-long chapter just for you two!\

)With Zane
*they stare at each other for what seems like forever*
Zane: *he kisses her and to his surprise, she kisses back*
KC: Zane can we keep this a secret
Zane: of course
)with Aph
Aph: Aaron shoosh
Aar: *breathes in and out slowly* ok let's go back *he puts on his hood and mask*
- they go back to Sylvanna and Will-
Syl: what was with all the noise
Will: We were a little worried.
Aph: oh it's nothin
Aar: yeah... She just scared me for a second there...heh
Will: Miss Aphmau do come with me.
I want to talk.
Aph: okey dokey
)with Aph and Will
Will: Aphmau I want to show you something
Aph: ok?
Will: *he takes out a picture of a young girl who looks to be 14:*

Aph: okey dokey)with Aph and WillWill: Aphmau I want to show you somethingAph: ok?Will: *he takes out a picture of a young girl who looks to be 14:*

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/drawn by yours truly\
Aph: Awww she's soo cute!
Will: that's your little sister...Neko.
*he says some other things too*
)with Aar
Syl: Sooo how long have you known my Mi'ha
Aar: ... Since college...
Syl: oh... And why can't I see your face
Aar: ...I-
*they hear Aphmau screaming*
Aar: ?!
*they run outside*
Aar: Aph are you ok
Aph: NO! AARON I'M NOT!!! I HAVE A SISTER I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT!!!! AND APPARENTLY I'M ADOPTED?!?!  *she screams in her dark wolf voice*
All but Aaron: ...
Aar: Aph...
*she runs off, crying and yelling*
*she is alone in the's Midnight now...*

Aph: I'm all alone, nobody cares about me

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Aph: I'm all alone, nobody cares about me... Is my sister actually my real sister...?
/she sits there crying for 2 hours\
????: hi there! oh...are you ok
Aph: *she still has tears running down her face, so she can't see who she's taking to* n-no
????: it's ok Aphmau
Aph: h-how do you know my n-name *she's stuttering from crying*
????: it's me... Neko.... Your sister I wanna help
Aph:*the tears have subsided* N-Neko
It's you! It's really you!
*they hug*
Neko: Aphmau I missed you Sooo much!!!
Aar: *his voice is faint but growing louder* aph!? Aph?! APH?! APH?!
Neko: ... Who's that
Aph: aaron... *The tears start coming back*
Aar: *he sees her running from him with some girl* Aph wait! Please!
Neko: *she can't hear them and keeps running, thinking Aph is behind her*
Aph: *she stops and she tried to keep running but she couldn't move...she just stood there; helpless, as he picks her up, bridal style, and brings her home. She just laid in his arms, tears streaming down her face, seemingly paralyzed...*
/Sylvanna and Will left an hour earlier\
Aph: *she still has tears streaming down her face... And she keeps whimpering*
Aar: Aph... *he strokes her long, soft, hair as she tried to calm down*
Aph: *she managed to choke out one word before whimpering again:* Song...
Aar: Aph... Shhhhhh it's ok now.... You're alright...
/BTW the girls aren't there...yet\
*he starts softly singing to her...*
/Cue song but please listen to the song before continuing please!!! :3\

/I hope the song is done if you're reading this...\

Aph: *she starts to calm down as he sings*
Aar: Aph... I love you... Please know that I will be here for you... Always and forever...
)with Katelyn
Trav: heeeeey~ Katelyn~
/Trav is Travis\
Kat: Travis!
Trav: what? You know you can't resist thisssss *he gestures to himself*
Kat: omg Travis!
Trav: yea baby~
Kat: *she grabs his head and presses it up against the window* LOOK!!!!
/btw she's at the boys house\ 
*they see Aaron carrying Aph into the house*
Kat:AARON IS SOOOO DEAD WHEN I GET OVER THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trav: Rest In Peace Aaron, Rest In Peace... *he playfully says while doing an army salute*
???:hey guys come see!
???: yeah you might wanna see this!
???: we're all gonna DIEEEE!!!!
Kat+Trav: what?!
Dan:Look at the news!
Laur: this is really bad, really, really, really, bad...
Gar: we're all gonna DIEEEE!!!!
If you couldn't tell\
Kat: what's going on in there
Dan: there is a serial killer on the loose, man!
Laur: what if he comes here
Gar: *is obviously loosing his marbles*
News Guy: There's chaos all over Phoenix Drop. The most recent kill was on MyStreet.
All: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?
News Guy: The victim was Brendan Rodgers.
/I just randomly picked that last name cuz' I didn't know his last name.\
All: WHAT?!?
Trav: that's next door to your house Katelyn... Aphmau and Aaron are there
Kat: No... No... No... No... This... This... Can't... Be... Happening... No... Please... Irene... No...! *she whispers to herself*
Laur: no.... Were.... Were doomed....
Gar: *passes out*
Dante: We... We can... We can fight him... r-right? W-we'll be fine... Right?
Trav: wow, even Dante and Katelyn are losing it...
Trav: Everyone!
All: *looks at him* (except Garroth he's out of it... Literally)
Trav: Laurence! Grab all of the knives and put them in the basement!
Laur: ok
Trav: Katelyn! Get the mini fridge and fill it with food! There's a plug in the basement! So plug the fridge in!
Kat: o-ok
Trav: Dante! Grab flashlights, batteries, phones, and their chargers! They go in the basement too! I'll get Garroth!
/wow you got this Travis!\
)with KC and Zane
*they're on their way back home*
*ring ring*
KC: Hello
???: Kawaii~Chan!!!
KC: Aaron~Kun?! What's wrong
Aar: you need to get home as fast as you can!!!!!
KC:why Aaron~Kun?
Aar: just hurry!!! *sends her video*
/Aaron recorded the news report\
Aar: oh my Irene I gtg NOW!!!
KC: Aaron~Kun-
*he hangs up*
Zane: ... Let's go to my brother's house.
KC:Aaron~Kun... Aphmau~Senpai... Katelyn~Sama... Travis~Kun... Laurence~Kun... Dante~Kun... Nicole~Chan... Everyone... No... Irene....! *she hugs her knees, crying silently...*
Zane: *he starts to cry too* Zane! Stop! If you stay strong...she won't be as scared... Just a few more minutes... And we'll be there...a few more minutes...

/phew! That was soooo....LONG!!?? Omg over 1k words?!!? HOW?!?! But his took like... 5 hours... No joke... I hoped you liked it! That was drama if I've seen it! Well that's what I can do then... Wow... Anyways, cya nextime my SHIPPING ARMY!!! (1096 words)\

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