Chapter Two: Not-So-Lonely Night

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~Chapter Two: Not-So-Lonely Night~

"Can I buy you a drink?" The stranger asks.

Lightly-styled brown hair, neatly-trimmed scruff along his jaw, and a hint of a tan...this guy is definitely attractive. Add in the black leather jacket over a white shirt and the genuine smile, and I definitely do not mind him blocking me from my entertainment at Dave's drunkenness. Looks aside, though, it is the lack of lewd expressions and his polite tone that intrigue me most.

Unfortunately, I am not drunk enough to not know when to stop. I have already surpassed the limit of drunkenness that I had wanted to quit at, so drinking any more would be irresponsible. Plus, there is the fact that Dave will likely be sleeping over at my place when his flirting attempt finally fails, as he drove to my apartment and there is no way I am letting him loose on the city like this. One, I would be an irresponsible friend. Two, I would be a bad cop.

So, accepting a drink would be a stupid idea.

Of course, it is in the moment before I manage to put that thought into a polite refusal that my partner suddenly appears, looking way too pleased with his drunken self. "Don't wait up," Dave says, as the woman he was talking to walks over to take his arm. Well, I know where this is going. "Lucy and I are going to call a cab. You okay by yourself?"

All I can do is nod, too surprised by his success to actually form a proper complaint. It is only after they disappear out the door that I come up with multiple good arguments. For example, he should not be taking her home or going to her home. It is dangerous.

Another good reason would be that Dave is terrible at picking women. My partner is an amazing officer with a spotless track record, but everyone has their flaws, his being women. The last girl he dated happened to be an ex-con on parole. Clearly, it didn't work out.

Sadly, these reasons are basically null and void, since there is no one here to argue with about them. Well, other than an absolute stranger who would be unable to argue Dave's point of view. Besides, that would just be awkward. Speaking of the handsome stranger who I am rather rudely ignoring in favor of staring at the door...

I quickly turn back to face him, hoping he did not decide to leave while I was otherwise occupied. Thankfully, he has not moved, though his brow is now furrowed in what looks like concern. "Uh, sorry," I apologize. When his expression falls slightly, I assume he thinks I am declining his offer, so I quickly add, "Yes, I'd love a drink."

- - - - - - -

I moan, my eyes closing as I let my head fall forward in defeat. The stranger-turned-guest – Aldis – chuckles heartily, clearly pleased with the outcome of his hard work. I, however, cannot wait for this to end. This situation is the exact opposite of ideal. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that it is utterly terrible.

How did this even happen? I silently ask myself, wondering how we went from drinking at a bar to doing this in my apartment. I moan again in regret, which prompts another laugh – an evil laugh – from my companion.

"I win," he drawls, and I open one eye to peek at him before groaning once more. My head dramatically hits the seat of the couch when I lean too far back, but it hardly matters.

I can't believe him!

There is rustling followed by a clacking that makes me look up again to glare at him. My silver king has fallen, having been knocked down by his bronze bishop. Why did I agree to play chess? I suck chess.

"Again?" Aldis asks, already resetting his pieces, despite my obvious disapproval.

I quickly shake my head before he can finish setting them up. "Can we please play something I'm not horrible at?" I practically beg, thinking of all the board games he bypassed the moment his eyes landed on the chessboard. Of all the games he had to choose, it had to be the one I am the worst at, even when not half-drunk. There was a reason it was hidden in the back of my closet, under multiple other games.

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