Episode Sixteen: Best Night

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Shayera's pov

I walked up to the pier, rethinking every action I have ever made in my life. Today was the day I was supposed to be reunited with John. But here I was just standing in my favorite dress, nice shoes, freshly shaved legs and no John. I bit my lip in frustration for how could I be this stupid, believing he was actually going to come. John and I only had been talking through text and to me that was enough to trust him. I guess I did not learn from the last time I was hurt by him or maybe I did not want to listen to reason. Regardless of the reasoning, I was still standing all by myself feeling utterly alone and ashamed.


My eyes widened for I knew that voice. "John...?"

"Hey Shayera." He smiled softly, a hand behind his head. I never thought of John as a nervous person, especially since he was training to join the Marines after high school. But at this moment was shy and even nervous to even approach me. I smirked to myself, maybe he really did care.

"Hey John, why so late?"

"Late?" John asked looking at his watch in surprise. "It's not late, we settled on six thirty and it's just about that...was I wrong with the timing?"

I laughed. "No I guess I just came early...not that I was excited for this or anything."

He raised an eyebrow, giving me a playful smile. "Is that why you wore a dress? I may be wrong but that's not your usual attire."

I rolled my eyes, pushing away a orange strand of hair out of my face. "Yeah, yeah..." I looked at him. "Maybe I just wanted to be polite."

John did not respond to that and just smiled at me. "Why don't we walk around? It gets boring just standing around doing nothing."

I stand there, just thinking for a bit. This was a date or at least a chance to rekindle the love we once had. "Okay, sounds like fun."

This may sound cliche but once John and I hit it off, it seemed like nothing have ever changed between us, like we have never separated. It was not like the games or places at the pier were all that entertaining, it was just John making everything seem better than it was. I found myself falling in love with him all over again.

"Shay.." I looked up from my hotdog and stared into John's chocolate brown eyes. "I...well today was difficult to come to..." He stopped talking to look at the lake beyond the pier. "I knew what I did was awful...no is awful and I can't ever come back from it and when you stop talking to me...well I thought I could handle it...that I could move on but.." He sighed and leaned against the railing, his head still looking away. "Shayera, you're the best thing to ever happen to me and I can't move on from that.."

I didn't say anything and just wrapped my arms around myself. John was not wrong, what he had done to me was terrible and I could not condone it but, maybe I could forgive it. He did not say anything because he was waiting for me to respond.

"It's okay..." I sighed after a few minutes. "I forgive you John...I realize life is too short to just stay angry and you're acting all...sorry and guess, I can't stay mad at you...not anymore."

John was a very polite person and would not act brashly if it were to make me uncomfortable, so it did not surprise me when he gave me a look. A look asking permission to pull me into an embrace. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him close. I could never fully describe the feeling of being in John's arms, the one who I truly loved. I never considered myself to be a fragile person but being in his arms, I felt vulnerable but in a way where I knew I was safe and loved. This was where I wanted to be, what I wanted in life and what I had missed so much.

"Shayera..." I looked up at him and we both smiled. Without a word or thought, I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck, his around my waist. Our lips touched and this marked the best night of my life.

If only I had noticed the figure hiding in the darkness, watching us with cold, vengeful eyes. 

A:N| yay they are back together again! so everything will be okay from now on??? well if only life was that nice

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