Regenerating crystal

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*4 years later*
Sound of running water could be heard along with the sound of gental footsteps the day was beautifully bright. The sun glaring down into the green house - silhoetting the plants many leaves and bushes.
Tory walked up to the river and looked around. "huh?" He wore his light blue sweater with the sweater rolled up, his white pants falling just a tad bit short before his ankles. He took a few more steps forward still looking around for something

"Fire the laser"

From a machine hanging from the ceiling in a glass case, four beams of blue lights zeroed in on a familiar looking orb. The machine was round with many lights blinking around it, four little legs faced downwards at the green orb. The orb was still in the meteorite piece. The entire thing was encased in glass shaped beaker.
The glass shaped beaker was coated by a cylinder of glass, around the glass was a railing. By it was many machines along with scientists who worked them. On the second floor were viewing areas where scientists watched.

Close to the glass, two scientists were hovering over a large screen. It showed a long bar that was slowly filling with green bars. A diagram of the orb and the meteorite piece it sat on was made of small, virtual, yellow lines. Bits and pieces were zoomed in.
Next to the bar and above the egg was  a battery shaped graph that showed two lines of increasing energy. Underneath the egg sat something seemed to show DNA strand white next to something like a radar sat.

"Raise our trajectory by .5" said the white haired Professor, looking towards the brown haired Professor next to him.

"Right" she answered, typing in something. Her side pony caught the lights and clashed slighty witb her lab coat.

Slowly, the bar filled more and more until it couldn't rise anymore, at that time the bat turned blue and low beeping was released "that's the frequency." Said the Professor "finally in sync".

"That means.."

"Yes" he finished his colleague sentence "the crystal should regenerate if we keep the laser on target." They both stared up at the crystal that started glowing "we will succeed, we have to" the Professor said.
His assistant nodded in agreement.

The entire room began to coverex in the crystal's glow. On the screen, the sgg pulsed in oraged and the bars were flashing red. The woman shaded her eyes, then looked down at the equipment.

Suddenly, the laser beams died. A gentle alarm went off around the lights faded, "we've overloaded the regulator" said the white Professor as the woman ran over to another piece of equipment, she pushed a few buttons and one part of the machine separated into two parts and revealing more buttons.

"Hmm." She said, she tapped a few more buttons then straightened out and looked back to the white haired man. "It was just one small component that malfunctioned, a simple replacement".

"Good we'll try again after its fixed " said the Professor.

"Yes sir."

Back at the garden, Tory turned when he heard something that could be use for a phone's ringtone. He smiled and laughed, running over to something obstructed from our site "guess what, I'm gonna tell you all about a book I'm reading, it's so good!"

At the lab, the scientists were slowly heading out of the room. The last to go was the only one who noticed the green crystal pulse earlier. "Huh" she turned her eyes towards the crsytal " I was right i did see it glow" she said.

Way up north over the frozen and icy ocean where stars still shone and the sun no where in sight, a crack appeared it spread out, further and further, until it shattered with a BOOM, a massive swirl of water crack and broke apart the surface of the sea as it rose, gaining height until the source of the crack rised up. Droplets shimmered and fell from it's four tentacles, two red and two blue. Tbe red shaped opened it's eyes, it's tentacles now hands. From the purple jewel in the centre of it's chest, a purple diamond appeared. The diamond lifted up into the sky, disappearing into an aurora.

A/n: here's the next chapter, sorry it took me so long to post this but I've been busy with tafe, but now im on holidays i can hopefully update more often hope you enjoy the chapter and I'll see you next time.

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