Futuristic city

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Ash, Brock, May and Max were on a train heading to a town "wow" ash said. The gang were looking out the window looking at a bunch of wingulls flying next to the train.

On his journey to become a pokemon master, Ash Ketchum and his friends arrive in La Rousse city the headquarters for anything and everything high tech but he's not here for the gadgets and gizmo's ash is itching for action at the town's famous battle tower.                                                      Pelippers were sitting in the ocean when they were disturbed by a submarine that then crashed into a giant rock, the submarine floated to the surface revealing that it was a magikarp submarine team rocket jumps out of the submarine before it sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

Down on the ground a boy and his poochyena out for a run stopped at a bin to throw out his bottle, a few seconds later a plusle and minun starts playing with the bin, minun accidentally tips over the bin then they both run away leaving the munchlax that was watching them to clean up their mess.

Ash and his friend hopped off the train and goes down the escalator when they got near the bottom a robot greeted them " Welcome you are now in La Rousse city welcome again" "cool", " it's so cute", "a robot", "what could be better than this" ash, may and max said, " being greeted by a real life beautiful girl could be one thing" brock mentioned, " oh brock you never change" Y/n said, "Y/N" everyone exclaimed, "what are you doing at La Rousse City i thought you had plans with Gary", "Gary and i broke up with both of us being busy with Gary becoming a pokemon researcher and me becoming a pokemon master it just wasn't working", "i'm so sorry y/n" may says, "i'm fine, i'm here to watch some friends participate in the battle tower", "that's where i'm participating as well" ash replies. The robot started to take picture of the group "these will serve as your passport", " our passport", "while in La Rousse city keep them on you at all time, your passport can be used for shopping and other things.

Y/N pov

"Don't think i'll be sending this one home" may says while looking at her passport, "it's alright may your parents don't always have to have a photo", "i wonder which way for the battle tower" ash said, he wasn't watching where he was walking and he steps onto a moving sidewalk " hey ash quit messing around", " a moving sidewalk" May and Max said, " he never watches where he walks" i sweat dropped. we watch ash trying to get off the moving sidewalk when we see people on the other side coming towards us .

no one's pov

"dude you're swimming up stream", " there is an easier way" i hear my friends Sid and Rafe say to ash, "well if i ever get off of this thing then maybe you can show it to me" ash replies then falls onto his face "nice fall", Rafe sends out his Blaziken "help him out Blaziken okay", Blaziken jumps over to ash picks him up then takes him back to where Rafe is while missing Sid "hey thanks a lot" ash thanked, "sure no need to thank me i just couldn't continue to watching you look like a fool" Rafe replied, "what!", "Rafe cool it" y/n says, "hey y/n" Rafe and Sid says while giving me a hug, "hey guys", "so you guys must be new in town huh" Sid said to the rest, "well if you're heading for the battle tower you should try going this way" Rafe said to the group, ash ran up to Rafe "my names ash from pallet town how'd you like to battle with me" ash says to Rafe, "watch out my brother Rafe is really strong, Blaziken to" Rafe's sister's replies, "yeah i liked to have a battle with you ash let's get together in the battle tower okay" Rafe replied after his sister's, "so we're finally going to finish this today right Rafe" Rebecca said while on the moving side walk.

y/n pov

Brock starts falling in love with Rebecca " hello my spectical beauty i'm Brock" he says while trying to get near Rebecca but max get's a hold of his ear while saying "stop", "well i guess you can say that you're friend has really fallen for Rebecca huh, she' a good metagross trainer likes to use her laptop for strategy, so my names Sid blastoise is my partner", "hi my names may and this my brother max" may replied to Sid, "hey you're kinda cute", "kinda", and kinda crazy too" max says "you will never change will you" i said to Sid, "nope" he says cheekily, "look the battle tower" one of Rafe's sister's said, "look pikachu the it's right there i can't wait", "i'll be back as soon as i'm registered" ash said to us, "okay then we'll go head to the stands" max replied to ash, "see ya".

a/n: well this is the end of the chapter here i'm so sorry for this being almost a month late but tafe has been so busy but now that i am done for the year i will hopefully keep updating more often hope to see you in the next chapter buh bye 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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