Chapter 1

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    I woke up this morning in my twin sized bed and looked up at my ceiling hoping that just maybe things will be different today but, instead I'm feeling how I always feel. Sad. Alone. Tired. I make my way down the hall into my closet sized bathroom and start my boring routine, in which I follow every day. I start by washing my face with hot water, brushing my teeth, and finding someway to tame my thick curly hair. Then I make my way back to my room and put on an outfit that almost always consists of baggy sweatpants and a lose t-shirt because why try to look good when no one is going to notice you ever again? Things weren't always this way. I used to have friends, enjoy school, and I was liked and respected by many; Sometimes you do things that will take your friends, popularity, and your happiness away. I guess I should start there.

  2 months earlier:

Nichole Sansbury, read my new ID card I was required to wear in my new highschool. It was my first day of school and I wanted to make a good impression by looking irresistible because as a freshman you're seen as the nuisances of the school. The newbies. The "freshmeat" so to speak. Unless you were pretty, dating, or already acquaintances with an upperclassmen, then you were automatically seen as unnecessary or a target to everyone around you except other freshman. I didn't necessarily need to look good because I'm dating a sophomore and  i am friends with all his friends, but it couldn't hurt. I pull my hair half up and let the rest of my chemically colored blonde curls fall down on my shoulders. Today it was decided that I wear gold hoop earrings, a black lacy crop top, white skinny jeans, and black high top converses to match. My appearance is everything to me. If I don't look good, then I don't feel good, but who am I kidding? I always look good. After 30 minutes in the bathroom, it's nearly time to go and my mom is already calling my name saying we'll both be late if I don't hurry. I run into my room and grab my cellphone, bookbag, and ID and then I quickly head downstairs ready to start my day.

There's not much said on the way to school. Mom and I don't have a close relationship, so it's usually like this and I'm fine with it. We're pulling up to the school when I spot my boyfriend, Anthony aka Ant, standing at the entrance of the school waiting on me like the sweetheart he is. He recognizes my car and starts to smile. Gosh, I love that smile. I don't think I'll ever hate it. I'm bubbling with excitement as I step out the car and run into his arms. Immediately he gives me a kiss and says, "Baby, you look fantastic. I might just have to make you change into my clothes. Can't have these guys getting ideas" and then laughs.

"Ant, you're crazy. None of these thrist traps will even try to come near me. They know who you are."

"You damn right, Nikk," he says as he smirks proudly. Being one of the most well known sophomores is a big deal here at Craightonville High School especially since there's a structure among the students that even the teachers recognize. There's the popular seniors, sophomores, and juniors aka The Toppers, then The Middles made up of the accepted, average seniors, juniors, and sophomores, the freshman or The Freshies, and lastly  the outcasts of every grade combined which includes the emo kids, nerds, and freaks. We call them The Outters. Falling in the top categories gets you privileges like sitting where you want or skipping line without anyone saying a word so, for me my school life is great. It's one thing to be in the top category, but to be dating someone in the top category is an even bigger deal. You are untouchable and if you're touched, hurt, or disrespected, the person who did the touching, hurting, or disrespecting will be attacked. Socially, of course. Toppers have the power to ruin anyone on the lower ranks through whatever method they deem appropriate and you can't come back from an ego that was murdered because everyone will know not to talk to you or they're next. It's like an infectious disease. Once word gets out that you have it, no one is going to come near you in fear of catching it.

Anthony and I, hand in hand, walk to meet up with all of our friends at our usual table, the table we now claim as ours and will be ours till we all graduate and pass it on to the next Toppers.
As soon as I hear that voice, I know it's my best friend, Kenya. She's a 5'3 sophomore with an athletic body, deep mahogany skin, and a pretty face. I met her when Ant brought me to a summer party. He introduced me to her and I noticed her thick curly hair, similar to mine, and immediately began pounding her with questions about it. I'm in love with natural hair and it turned out she was too, so we hit it off pretty well.

Kenya began complimenting my hair and our usual girl talk we had when together as her boyfriend, Kyle walked up. He dapped Ant up and asked where the rest of us were.

"I don't know, dude. Areeka and Dex probably rode together and you know Dex ain't tryna be on time, Leon probably still on the bus, Kay and Kenzy text the group chat saying they on the way, but they stopped to get the crew donuts, and there ain't no telling where Cash is."

"Oooo. Kay and Kenzy always got the goods"

At this Kenya and I laughed because Kyle is always hungry and basically only hears the part of a conversation that was about food. Ant, Kenya, and I all wait at our newly acclaimed table for the rest to show up. In a span of 15 minutes everyone else shows up and we all chow down on donuts while talking about this new school year. Everything was perfect. I was with my friends, my boyfriend, and I was popular. Nothing is going to ruin this school year. I have all I need to survive these next few years of highschool, was what I was thinking, sitting there with everyone laughing and making jokes about people we didn't know because I could do that. Someone caught my attention, it was a girl. Probably a sophomore by her looks and probably a Middle by her state of being unknown. She was very pretty and mysterious looking, but what caught my eye was her eyes. They were so....unique and reminded me of wild vegetation after being rained on.

"Earth to Nichollle"

It was Leon. He was snapping his fingers at me because I was so lost in the girl's eyes that I was completely spaced out and ignoring the conversation. I didn't even realize that asked me a question.

"Huh? What's up?"

"I said "How do you think highschool will be for ya, baby sis?"

They all call me that, "Baby sis." Although I'm not related to any of them through blood, that's what I am to them.  I don't have a problem with it either because I know I'm under their wing, I'm safe. I answer him with a smile.

"It should be great. Especially with all my favorites." And everything was great. For the first few months and then I screwed up, and everything changed...

This is a work in progress and my first, so it isn't perfect but I hope all who read enjoy!! Feel free to give me feedback or ideas to use later on in the story or point out any errors. BE NICE! It will be greatly appreciated. Chapter 2 will be coming very soon. :) Thannks! XO

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