♤Where you met♤

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You met from hanging out with your brother Garroth. You guys got to know each other and over time grew closer.

You met him in highschool. You accidentally bumped into him causing you to drop all of your books. You guys stayed in touch through the years.

You met Dante in college. He tried "picking you up" when you wear walking to door dorm. You found him funny and hung out a Lot.

You met Travis in a coffee shop. Sounds weird but you were getting your ussal order and when he came over and start flirting with him. You found him cute and flirted back in a friendly way. You ended up exchanging numbers and you text each other all the time.

You met Zane by aphmau. She told you that she had someone that you would like and introduced you to him. You ended up having a Lot in common and came over his house when ever a new episode of my little horsies came on.

Aaron~ you met by an online game! You grew close never knowing who you guys really were in till you finally met and grew even closer.

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