♧How he says 'I love you'♧

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Laurence is great with words, so he'll write you poem telling you how much he loves you!

Garroth is a stutter king so he'll show his affection instead. He kiss you and hug you so he reminds you how much you live him.

Dante will tell you cute pick up lines and show his affection towards you. He'll hug you or kiss you on your check and say "I love you"

He'll touch your butt then hug you. He'll whisper to you cute things and pick up lines and to top it off he'll tell you he loves you more then anything in the world.

He'll sing you a song about his love! He'll do a cover of a song and make it about you!

He'll say it out of no where like when you playing my little horsies he'll randomly say I love you.

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