The ring, the letter and the key

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Hey everyone. This is just a promo for a story I had in mind. If you guys like it, let me know and I will start writing it.

Arabella Capresa Sokolov, a seventeen year old princess was the heiress to the throne of Aelhaven. Her mother Queen Tatiana was to bequeath her title to her daughter once she had turned eighteen, but only after Arabella had proven to her that she would be able to run her kingdom with aplomb. For years Arabella had been trained by teachers from far and wide in fields of warfare, justice, the arts, maths, science and everything a young princess must learn to be great ruler. She had worked hard for years and years just to live up to her mother's title. However, in Tatiana Sokolov's opinion, Arabella had not proved her worth yet.

Queen Tatiana was a lady respected throughout kingdoms even thousands of miles away, and it was definitely not for naught. She was known as the most, just, intelligent, and confident ruler ever to be. Her kingdom had prospered immensely ever since she had inherited it from her father who was cruel, greedy, and only thought of himself. Her father threw the land into a hopeless poverty, ridden with crime and suffering. She couldn't let her kingdom fall into the clutches of someone who would plunge her kingdom back into darkness.

She had high expectations for her daughter and was only ready to leave her kingdom in the best hands. She was as cautious as could be and maybe a little bit paranoid. Since Queen Tatiana claimed to still not see her daughter's potential fully unlock, she hadn't signed the document stating that Arabella would inherit her kingdom when she came of age. She had promised her daughter that when the time was right, things would fall into place. Arabella however was worried, as her birthday was only days away and if she was not crowned queen then, the people would think that she was unworthy and would never have faith in her, even if she does one day become queen.

She paced around her bedroom furiously, thinking of what she hadn't achieved. She thought of every demand of her mother's and how she would bend backwards to get the job done. She thought of how there wasn't a single time that she had refused to do what her mother had asked. She had bared the weight of being the perfect princess, student and daughter all at the same time for years. Not one time had she complained or cracked under the intense pressure that she was put under. If she had always made her mother proud by excelling in whatever she was made to pursue, why was she not ready to crown her as queen? Had she done something to upset her? Perhaps she was incapable of running a kingdom and her mother knew it.

She ran her hands through her hair and shook her head, just staring at the wall.

"What can I do to make my mother approve of me?" She thought aloud.

Almost as if fate had heard her, it had given her a chance to prove herself through three very common yet intriguing items.

A ring, a letter and a key.


And that is it for now. Let me know what you think in the comments because I would love to hear what you have to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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