Chapter 14- learning

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I was now learning how to control my wolf, I had to learn to become one with her. So far it's been hard to control her at all, the only reason my wolf as calmed down was due to Derek by our side.

My wolf is pure white with pure blue eyes, she stands as tall as an alpha wolf if not maybe a inch taller. Her name is pure, ironic isn't it that her fur is pure white and her eyes are pure blue, it goes well with her name.

Since shifting I've learned I become angrier easily, it's hard to control the wolf within me. I, myself am not normal easily angered, yet my wolf is.

Many of the pack members have been avoiding myself, this is while I learn to control her. Pure is the most strongest wolf alive, which is why I need to gain control of things. We need to learn to become one, it's easier said than done right about now.

"What you think about" Lee my brother asked, as he walks over to me on the training fields.

"Away to gain control and become one with my wolf" I say out loud.

"Like I'll let you" pure says in my head, she has been fight against me for days now. It's like she hate been one with her human.

"I think I can help you with that" I look at my brother shocked at his words, how could he help if I can't even do it.

"How?" I have to hear this.

"Easy actually it's not been done before yet I think it may work, all you have to do is mate in wolf form, this will allow Derek's wolf to also calm your body and soul. His wolf may just be able to get your wolf to become one with you, if and only if your wolf allows him." Now that I think of it, it's did sound like a great idea.

"Just one thing as you know mates, well their usually mate in human and wolf, what's to say that it will help myself." I ask

"Well here the things as much as your right, I think your should also drink this" Lee says pulling out a green liquid in a clear bottle.

"What's that?"

"This here is made by a witch, after you mate in wolf form drink it, this will weaken her. While she is weak it will allow you full control over her, giving Derek's wolf enough time to get inside her mind. Meaning you will get to understand what goes on in her mind, hopefully this will also help you become one with her." It was worth a time and I know his only trying to help me, if I can't control her there is a chance I can lose my human self to her.

"How sure are that this will work"

"Not 100% but it's worth a shot for nothing, Kate I cants sit back and watch you lose yourself. For the last few days all you have done is fight with your wolf for control, what if one day your human self can't fight no more. You will lose yourself and I can't lose my sister, this is our last chance before anything happens." I knew he meant before their came after me, my father had found another note a few days back. Let's just say I've never see my father lose control like he did that day, the whole mansion was ripped apart inside, for him then to disappear for hours on end.

After my talk with my brother I decided  to find Derek and go over what my brother as said to myself. Turns out he knew all along, he just didn't know if I would agree to it.

We decided that later tonight we would mate in wolf form, I would then drink the green liquid. Once my wolf is weak Derek wolf would try get into my wolf heads, I only hope that it would work.

As the time nears I can't help but feel nervous, Derek is trying to make me feel better. He keeps saying that it will all be alright, yet it's easier to say than feel right now.

Derek and myself walk towards a clearing which happens to be in the middle of the forest, we both go behind a tree shifting into our wolf forms.
As soon as I shift into my wolf it's like she wants nothing more but to take full control, Derek most of sensed my struggle as he quickly comes over.

As soon as he steps near my wolf he bites down on my neck holding me in place, even though my wolf could easily throw him off she doesn't with him been our mate.

Few hours later our wolfs are fully mated with one another, I quickly shift back even though I'm completely drained. I drink the green liquid that Lee had given myself, as much as it tastes bitter I down it in one.

Derek come beside me before picking me up and carrying me back to the pack house, all the while I feel my wolf weaken inside my mind.

"Sleep princess you need it" Derek whispers in my ear as I place my head on his chest, I slowly feel my eyes start to shut as darkness pulls me under.

Derek's POV

I carry my mate back to the pack house after hours of mating in our wolf form, I knew that Lee had found a way I maybe able to help her.

My only hope now was to see if it would help her, as this was said to be the first time someone has tried it.

As i place my mate on my bed I lay be side, I let my wolf take control by trying to enter his mates mind. I close my eyes as I allow my wolf full control, telling him to get as much information as he could.

I soon fell asleep along side my mate leaving my wolf to learn about his mate as darkness pulls my in.

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