Wonho: birthday gift (first encounter)

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it was your birthday. Every year they would take you out to eat and then to a movie.but you wanted to do something different this year. so you called your friend (y/f/n) to see what she was doing. she told you that she was going to go to this underground club and that they are going to introduce this new rapper. " wow that sounds like fun(y/f/n) can i come because i don't want to be at home today." you said to her. " yeah (y/n) i'll pick you up in 10 minutes ok? " she mentioned. you said yes and got ready. you thought of wearing some long jeans and a shirt but then it hit you. " well it's gonna be hot so might as well wear some shorts and a tank top" you uttered to yourself. so you decided to wear that with some black converses. so you went to take a quick shower and got dressed. then in exactly 10 min. your friend was beeping the horn at you. " I'M COMING!" you screamed out your window to her car. you could have sworn that you could hear her laughing. so you went out the house and into the car. " ready to go?" she asked you. " yes let's go~" you screamed then off you guys went to the underground club.

~20 minutes later~

you arrived in hongdae. you haven't been to this part of town before so you thought it was really cool. then you turn to your right and you see a big sign that says "CLUB VERA" you thought that name was really enticing. "ready to go in (y/n)" your friend asked you. you nodded your head yes, and went inside. when the security guards opened the door you smell of alcohol and excitement all mixed together. you guys walked in and went straight to the bar and ordered two martinis. so the bartender got you the two martinis and you gave one to your friend. " this looks like fun (y/f/n). i never knew that being in a club would be this great!" you screamed because the music was roaring against our ears.

" yeah i know (y/n) !" she screamed back. you guys both started giggling. " i'll be back (y/f/n) i have to go pee." you forcefully said against the beat of the song. she nodded her head and there you went to find the restroom. "wow this place is cool" you reflected in your head. you kept looking everywhere and didnt notice the guy that was in front of you. " oh i'm so sorry " you bowed multiple times and didn't even bother looking up to the person you bumped into. " No its ok im sorry" the deep voiced man said to you. you looked up and saw this guy with brown hair with a long sleeve shirt on, and a smile that makes you smile too. " umm so what's your name? " you asked him. " well what's your name?" he asked you. " well my name is (y/n)." you mentioned to him shyly.

" well nice to meet you (y/n). my name is W-" he paused as he felt someone touch his shoulder. .he nodded to the guy and then looked at you." (y/n). i have to go. i hope we see each other soon ok?" he asked you. you nodded your head yes and waved bye. he waved too. and there he left. once he disappeared from your eyes , you went to the bathroom and used it. you finished using the bathroom when you heard the dj announce the performer. you ran back to your friend just in time. " ARE YOU GUYS HAVING A GOOD TIME?!" the crowd went wild. "ALRIGHT GUYS SO NEXT UP ON THE STAGE IS A ROOKIE AT THIS GAME. LADIES AND GENTS GIVE IT UP FOR WONHOOOOOO!" everyone there got super hyped. even you got hyped just by the name. " AYO!" he said into the mic. the voice sounded familiar to you but you couldn't distinguish it right away. once he came out you automatically recognized who it was. "Its YOU!" you smiled. You yelled hey to him and he looked right at you. and smiled.

~30 min later~

you were sitting with your friend. she was sitting next to the guy from earlier. I think his name is Kihyun and i was sitting next to wonho. " wow you're so amazing. i never knew that you were this good" you blushed while complimenting him. " thank you (y/n)." he smiled. you constantly kept on blushing. " hey why don't we get some air? " wonho suggested. " ok. hey (y/f/n) ill be back ok?" you told her while she was giggling with Kihyun. she nodded her head and kept on laughing with him. Wonho took your hand ever so lightly and took you outside." you know your singing is really good. " you mentioned to him. And yet again he flashed his smile at you. you look away with a blushed face. he takes his hand and lifts your chin to his and softly kisses you. " w-why did you do that ?" you trepidatiously asked him. he just looked at you and said, " i know you just met me but will you be mine? " he asked you. you didn't know what to say. " but i don't think you want me." you look down. he lifts your chin up and says, i want you baby. " you giggle at his cuteness. You nodded your head yes. " this is the best birthday ever."  

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