Headaches and Slamming Doors - Chapter 6

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Maya's pov
After slamming into the wall behind me I fell to the ground with everything going black, I heard shrieks and gasps. I heard footsteps running towards me and someone yelling.

Lucas' pov
I ran over to an unconscious maya, I pick her up and carry her out the door with Riley and farkle close behind, the man who had opened the door had disappeared soon after, but I knew who it was. Farkle ran to his car opening the door as I jumped in with Maya in my arms as we rushed to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital they took her on back and told us to wait in the waiting room. Riley walked in yelling into her phone, with Farkle walking cowardly behind her.

Back to Maya's pov
I open my eyes to the sun peeking through the window, my head is pounding I look down to a hospital gown and bed. "Great, back in the hospital" I groaned, Lucas who I didn't realize was sitting beside me looked up "you're awake" he smiled at me "what happened?" I asked squinting at the sun "well you were slammed against the wall of our apartment by-" I cut him off "Emmett, I'm gonna ki-" he stopped me "it wasn't Emmett" I looked at him as if he was crazy "then who was it?" I asked, Lucas sighed "Josh" I look down to my hand. "Is he dead? Do I need to buy flowers?" I asked "not yet" Lucas chuckled "I think Riley is going to kill him before I can get to him, she's been on the phone with him for hours" as he finished the door came open and in walked Farkle "oh, she's awake" he smiled. The doctor walked in after him "ok doc, what's the damage?" I asked "well Miss Hart you have a gash which we stitched up on the back of your head, and a concussion" he said as he looked at his clipboard.

They're going to keep me for a few days, the headache stayed, I barely get any sleep and any time I get up, walk or move too fast I either become severely nauseous or dizzy. Not to mention trying to focus on anything anyone said to me, the headache makes it impossible and the ringing in my ears makes it even worse.

Lucas had stayed with me, he hadn't left the room since I had been admitted. He was currently sleeping on the couch he pushed beside my bed so he could be close to me. He hasn't been to work in days because of me, I just hope he doesn't get fired. I sat in the hospital bed unable to sleep, I wanted food and I wanted to move from the bed I had been laying in for 12 hours. I stood up bracing myself on the side of the bed, I closed my eyes and wait for the dizzy spell to end. I walk towards the door "Maya?" Lucas asked groggily peeking up from behind the bed "what are you doing?" He asked jumping up and putting me back in bed "I was hungry" I said laying back down "its 12:00" he said rubbing his eyes "ever heard of a midnight snack, and I didn't eat lunch or diner" I said "I'll be back" he said tying his shoes. He headed out without another word.

Forty-five minutes later he returned with a bag of food, "I got tacos, burgers, chicken sandwiches, chicken nuggets etc etc, then we've got cherry, custard, and chocolate pie pastries, I would tell you the rest but I'm out of breath" he listed, "why so much food?" I asked "I forgot to ask you what you wanted, so I just covered all the bases" he said sitting the bags down on the couch. "What would you like M'lady?" He asked "gimme a taco" I said holding out my hand, he placed one in my hand and I quickly unwrapped it and take a bite. After I was finished with that I had a chocolate pastry, after that it one almost two in the morning so I go went back to sleep.

Two days later
Today is the day I'm released from the hospital, they said that the nausea and dizziness should clear up in the next four to seven days. I have to come back to get the stitches out in a few weeks, right now I want to go home and sleep.

Lucas opens the door Riley ran up and hugged me then Farkle, without a word I make my way to my room falling onto the bed and instantly falling asleep.

I walk back into the kitchen after a two hour nap, "how are you feeling?" Lucas asked "like my head is going to explode" I said "still have a headache?" He asked "I'm right here, you don't have to yell, yes" I said as I placed my head in my hands. Lucas got up and got some ibuprofen for me and some water "thanks" I said handing him the glass back "no problem" he said placing it in the sink.

There was a knock at the door, Lucas walked up to the door carefully standing on the other side of the door. "You have five seconds to get out of this doorway before I knock your block off" Lucas growled "I'm just here to apologize" Josh said putting his hands up in defense. I walk up behind Lucas "I have heard enough 'I'm sorry's' from you, but I don't know you've done so much wrong" I said stepping into his view "so what are you here to apologize for cheating on me, or the gash in the back of my head?" I asked he looked at me in astonishment, I slammed the door in his face before he could answer. I squinted my eyes "remind me never to slam a door while I have the worst headache of my life" I said holding my temples, Lucas just wrapped his arms around me holding me tight.

Sixth chapter complete! Thanks for reading, sorry for all of the pov changes, hope you enjoyed. Hope you have a wonderful day. Thanks again for reading, commenting and voting until next time

Your Friend,

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